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Mobile Learning II

Oh, what’s that? Original soundtrack Thissen: “As our children grow up in a media world and naturally handle the media, they should also be a topic in school.“ An older child says the point is that they don’t just load down apps but create things themselves that haven’t existed so far. Hi, I’m Jana. A propeller hat. I’ll put it on. Now I’m no longer a simple rhino, but a flying rhino. Original soundtrack Thissen: “It’s exactly the great flexibility of tablets that promotes very personalised and adapted learning.” Original soundtrack Welzel: “It’s fascinating to see how the children grow with their products and how they always want to improve them.” The Westminster Abbey is a church in London for the royal family. Original soundtrack Welzel: “And?“ They think it is ok.

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Research Made Easy

There are people who much enjoy finding out things that nobody has found an answer to yet. These people are called scientists. They work to ensure that we humans are able to understand our world better. They discover lots of things that nobody knew before. Or they discover something that occurred so long ago that there is nobody who can remember it any more.

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Ducks are our best-known water birds. You can watch them on almost any large body of water. Although we come across them frequently, most of us know very little about the lives of ducks. But it is worth our while to look at them more closely.

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Kirchen haben eine lange Tradition und von außen sind sie heute meistens gut erkennbar. Aber wie sehen Kirchen eigentlich von innen aus? Denn egal ob alt oder neu, groß oder klein ─ so unterschiedlich sie auch aussehen, die meisten Gegenstände findet man in jeder Kirche. Der erste Blick, wenn man eine Kirche betritt, fällt meist auf den Altar und auf das über ihm hängende Kreuz. Für die Hostien, die den Christen so wertvoll sind, gibt es in der Kirche einen ganz besonderen Platz ─ den Tabernakel. Im Tabernakel werden die geweihten Hostien nach dem Abendmahl aufbewahrt. In der Nähe des Tabernakels hängt das ewige Licht.

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Mensch und Tier

Menschen und Tiere leben seit Jahrtausenden zusammen. Ursprünglich als reines Nutztier gehalten, entwickelte sich eine Beziehung zu einem Tier als reines Haustier. Neuer ist die Verbindung der engen Beziehung des Menschen zu Tieren und therapeutischen Anliegen. Im Film werden verschiedenste Tiere und deren therapeutische und unterstützende Wirkung vorgestellt. Ob mit Schafen, Alpakas, Ponys, Schulbegleithunden oder Blindenhunden – der Film geht der engen Beziehung von Mensch und Tier nach.

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Werken 1

Mit den eigenen Händen etwas herstellen, an dem man sich freuen kann – das lernen die Schüler im Fach Werken und Gestalten.

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Zoo Learning

Seeing animals close up on a trip right in the middle of the city – this is possible on a visit to the zoo.

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Everyone of us has a home. We primarily associate home with our families, which give us a sense of comfort and security. We have our home town where we were born, but what exactly is home? According to the encyclopaedia, home means all the conditions under which someone grows up. This DVD introduces all aspects of the topic of “home” – in a way easily understandable for children. Folk songs as well as films and novels with a regional background are examined closely. The relation between home and identity is explained. Home can take many forms due to different nationalities with their different languages, customs and traditions. However, despite all our cultural differences and ways of life, when seen from a distance, we all share the same home – our planet earth!

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The DVD offers spectacular insights into rural forms of work of former times and of today and into the work of a baker, so that pupils can easily comprehend individual work steps, too. In addition, the children gather information on the characteristics and use of the most important types of grains: rye, wheat, barley, oats and maize. The content of the DVD is excellently suited, on the one hand, to show the children that flour is an essential ingredient of baked goods and, on the other hand, to seize upon the pupils' various experiences with the staple bread. The DVD breaks down the topic "Grain" into the following main areas: baking bread, from corn to flour, types of grain and history of grain. The DVD is divided into four didactic units that can be dealt with separately via its menu structure. Moreover, the menu offers additional pictorial and diagram material. With the varied worksheets, test tasks and colour foils, the learning content of the DVD can be consolidated and the topic "Grain" enlarged upon during lessons.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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MedienLB - Fly flap

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The Hedgehog

It carries on its back up to 8000 spines although it is no more than 30 centimetres long. In spite of that it can assert itself very well against its enemies. Because this insectivore can roll up into a ball. Although the hedgehog is a wild animal, it likes to live near humans today. With simple explanations and beautiful film shots the pupils learn about the species-specific behaviour, the characteristics of our endemic common hedgehog but also about the threats it is exposed to. At night, the hedgehog is accompanied on its forays for food, by day, it can be seen sleeping deeply in its hideout, and when the mating season is over, six orphaned hoglets are accompanied on their way to maturity. The thematic fields focussed upon are habitat and distribution, characteristics, behaviour throughout the year, food, reproduction as well as protection and endangerment. The film arouses curiosity about and fascination for the hedgehog and furthers the pupils’ environmental awareness. Together with the extensive accompanying teaching material the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.

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A person's earthly life ends with death and they pass into memory.

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Kraft der Musik

150 Helfer und Helferinnen haben das gleiche Ziel: Die Show im Jahr 2012 soll noch größer und spektakulärer sein als alle bisherigen, denn es ist das 20-jährige Bühnenjubiläum von DJ BOBO. Mehr als 4 Millionen Menschen haben seine Shows bereits gesehen. Die Fans lieben seine Musik, vor allem aber auch seine speziellen Bühnenshows und die besonderen Lichteffekte. Seine Hits und die immer wieder gigantischen Bühnenbilder animieren die Zuschauer zum Kauf einer Konzertkarte. Die Tournee dauert 7 Wochen und 8 Trucks, die mit 140 t Bühnentechnik beladen sind, fahren von Stadt zu Stadt. Nur etwa 12 Stunden bleiben zum Aufbau der riesigen Showbühne.

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