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Schwimmen lernen und sich sicher und angstfrei im Wasser bewegen zu können, ist in vielerlei Hinsicht wichtig. Nicht nur, dass Schwimmen elementar für die Gesundheitsförderung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung der Schüler:innen ist – schwimmen zu können, bzw. sich in Gefahrensituationen richtig zu verhalten, kann Leben retten.

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„Das Weltall, unendliche Weiten, wir schreiben das Jahr …“ – viele von uns kennen diesen Satz aus utopischen Filmen. Im Planetarium can wir sehen, was unsere Forschung bereits weiß. Durch faszinierende, bewegte Bilder erfahren wir, was über unsere Erde, unser Sonnensystem und unser Universum bereits bekannt ist – auch, wenn es oft nur ein kleiner Teil ist. In diesem Film geht es um die Geschichte der Planetenmaschine, von den Tellurien bis zum ersten Planetarium der Welt. Wir begleiten einen Besuch im Planetarium und erklären dabei Aufbau und Technik. Dabei geben wir Einblick in eine Astroshow, sterben uns auf eine Reise ins Weltall mitnimmt.

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The Wheel

One of the inventions that have brought humanity forward is the wheel.

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The Garden throughout the Year

You surely know a few gardens, maybe you even have one yourself. Have you ever taken a closer look at it?

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The Hedge in the Course of a Year

This DVD offers clearly structured information, in particular covering the following topics: Firstly, the diversity and type as well as the different tasks of a hedge are described. Vivid pictures illustrate the difference between low hedges, hedges of middle height and high hedges. The structure of the hedge is explained in detail. The DVD shows the hedge in the course of a year with the accompanying changes in flora and fauna. Here, an emphasis is put on introducing the most common shrubs, trees, flowers and animal species associated with the biotope of a hedge.In addition, the pupils learn to distinguish between poisonous and edible fruit from indigenous shrubs, illustrated by the examples of elder bush, blackthorn and the spindle tree. Blooms, fruit, spiders, insects and other hedge-dwellers are presented in close-ups of superior quality. The learning target “from the bloom to the fruit” is illustrated with the help of an animation. The film shows the interactions between plants and animals and highlights the correlations among the dwellers of the hedge habitat.

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hey are gigantic, fascinating and have offered material for the media time and again – dinosaurs. Year after year, our knowledge about these animal increases. In spite of that, opinions persist that all dinosaurs were bloodthirsty, cruel carnivores. The film at hand clears up these misconceptions.

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Bananas can be bought at any supermarket today. We eat them raw or make them into cakes, shakes and ice-cream. But where do bananas come from? How have they got to the supermarket? On plantations in Costa Rica bananas are cultivated in an elaborate process. It is most important that bananas always have enough heat, sun and water. When the bananas are harvested, the workers carefully cut them off with machetes and take them to the packaging station. From there they are transported to the container ships by lorry. In the process the fruits undergo constant quality control. Storage temperature is important as well. After about three weeks the bananas are ready for sale at our supermarkets. The film illustrates the development of the banana from planting to harvest and the subsequent transport until they are finally sold at our supermarkets. Why does the banana not rot on the journey? Why is the banana bent? These and more questions are vividly answered. With the extensive accompanying material the didactic DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom

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My Favourite Colour Is Multi-coloured

Paintbrush: ”Hello kids! I am Colori. Being a paintbrush, I love all those vivid colours: red, yellow, green, blue ... just all of them! Don't you like it colourful, too? Great! When I was painting, I thought that I'd like to know where all these fantastic colours we see come from. Why are meadows green? And why is a fire engine red? Why isn't a banana blue? And why is a rainbow always colourful? Would you like to know that, too? Great, then I'll tell you what I've found out!" Imagine for a moment that there were no colours. If nothing in this world had a colour, that would be quite boring and sad. No colourful flowers, no coloured butterflies, even your ice-cream on a sunny day would just be grey.

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Construction Sites

At a road construction site mostly the old road is removed with a big road miller. Sometimes a digger helps and carries the large parts away. They are loaded onto a truck. With the tar machine the road is newly tarred. Tar is a mixture of gravel, sand and crude oil. Here the tar is still very hot. When it cools down, it becomes very hard and the cars can drive on it. A new motorway or country road is created.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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They are the epitome of power and elegance. Man domesticated them long after dog and cat, they provided meat, were strong agricultural helpers pulling ploughs and other implements. These hard times are over for the animals – their range of service has changed. The most favourite animal of many children and grown-ups, it has changed from former working animal to today’s companion for sport and leisure. The horse breeds known today are descended from a primeval horse. It lived about 50 million years ago – that is fifty with six zeros after it!

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Besuch im Museum

Museen spiegeln in Form von Gegenständen, Texten, Ton, Gemälden, Briefen usw. die Vergangenheit, lassen die Gegenwart verstehen und manchmal sogar einen Blick in die Zukunft werfen. Sie sind die Bewahrungsstätten von Kultur und Geschichte und damit ein besonderer Ort außerschulischen Lernens.

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Ein Aquarium ist das Modell einer Unterwasserlandschaft – es gibt sie mit Meer- und mit Süßwasser gefüllt.

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