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Even though all cranes are lifting equipment – type and appearance of a crane can be quite different.  Depending on their purpose and operating site there are various types of cranes and various crane technologies. There are crane types which are mobile and mounted on a vehicle. Other cranes, however, are permanently installed and located on a construction site, at a port or in a hall.

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Responsible Consumption

What do “consumption“ and “consume“ actually mean? This is what the child reporter Ferdinand wants to find out today. That much is for sure: often it has something to do with money.

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Cattle have been of vital importance for humanity due to both their spread all over the world and presence throughout almost all of human history.  

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The Wheel

One of the inventions that have brought humanity forward is the wheel.

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Bridges are structures designed to overcome obstacles.

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Fairy Tales

Helga Josefa Sophie loves fairy tales. When she was little, her mother read her the ancient stories. Later her children and then her grandson Janik listened spellbound when she read from the fairy tale kingdom between reality and the magical world.

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There are a lot of things in the world whose functioning and appearance were determined even before they are perceived or before they occur.

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The Making of a Children’s Book

Every year thousands of new books are published. You can get a notion of that vast number at the large book fairs in Frankfurt or Leipzig.

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Hands-on Biology

To perform the experiment with beans you need first of all the seeds, of course. Runner beans are well suited for it. Watch out!  Eaten raw, bean seeds are poisonous! For the germination experiments you need one plant pot per experiment. You need a waterproof pen for labelling the pots. Moreover, a watering can and water are required to keep the plant soil moist which is also needed. Some of the plant soil should be dried beforehand.  To exclude the light you need a carton, to exclude the air a solid, transparent plastic bag and to exclude the soil cotton wool. In addition, scales, a glass and a protractor are required.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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MedienLB - Fly flap

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Riparian Forest

A large area of Europe is covered by woodland. In Germany alone, the number of trees is estimated at about 90 billion at present. That means, in Germany there are more than 1,000 trees per inhabitant.

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How is the electricity generated with which we power our appliances in everyday life?

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Safety on the Way to School

Quote pupils:

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