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Raben und Krähen

Corvus, die Gattung der Raben und Krähen sind nahezu weltweit verbreitet. Der Film stellt den Körperbau, die Lebensgewohnheiten und den Lebensraum ausführlich vor.

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Greifvögel sind überwiegend fleischfressende Vögel, die ihre Beutetiere aus der Luft jagen und per Biss oder per Griff mit den Krallen töten.

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Fairy Tales

Helga Josefa Sophie loves fairy tales. When she was little, her mother read her the ancient stories. Later her children and then her grandson Janik listened spellbound when she read from the fairy tale kingdom between reality and the magical world.

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When we hear the word “textiles“, we automatically think of things we put on – such as shirts, trousers, pullovers, caps or other things to wear. But there are far more textiles in our everyday lives. Actually, the word textiles means that these are generally things or goods made of single fibres or threads or yarns. For a long time now, we have not been using textiles for clothing only, but also in many other different domains of our lives. Every day, we use various household textiles at home – they range from the fabric sofa to the towel we dry ourselves with after washing or bathing. But today, modern textiles are also used as construction material – for example to make cars or bikes. These vehicles are particularly energy efficient because textiles are significantly lighter than metal.

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The Forest

As a part of the natural landscape in which our children grow up, the forest with its flora and fauna is an important subject in primary school teaching. The focus of the systematic discussion of this versatile habitat is, of course, the children’s spontaneous, all-round experience of the forest. However, in particular with the animals and birds of the forest, it is not always easy to enable the children to have a real-life encounter. This DVD is aimed at helping the children to get familiar with the forest habitat in the course of a year. The film addresses the following topics: Early bloomers, courtship and breeding behaviour of selected forest birds, ground dwellers, the badger family, the fat dormouse family, forest fruits and the forest in winter. The DVD is excellently suited either as an introduction to the topic of forest or as a tool offered to the children for individual tasks or project work.

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Domestic Animals

As different as the various breeds and races of pets and domestic animals are, as different are our ways of dealing with them.

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Early Flowering Plants

During the first warmer days in late winter, the harbingers of spring show that new life is stirring. With great biodiversity and beauty the early flowering plants herald the change of season. In an easily comprehensible manner and often with stunning time-lapse images the film makes children aware of the connection existing between the sprouting of the early flowering plants so soon in the year and their extraordinarily rapid growth.

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Winter is the most extraordinary season. Trees without leaves, little sunlight, the majority of animals have disappeared and humans have to deal with black ice and coughs and sneezes. Nevertheless, winter also has a lot to offer that is available in that season alone: snow, winter sports, calm and peace. In short chapters, children learn how snow and ice form, why it is dark until late in winter and how plants and animals overwinter. Dangers related to the season are mentioned and it is explained how children can protect themselves. In addition, we show what interesting possibilities winter offers, which are only real fun during that time. Besides didactic-methodical considerations, the accompanying material includes a plethora of ideas to discuss this subject from all points of view and comprehensively, and to discover it from a new angle.

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In general, male and female starlings look very much alike. In spring, starlings assume their nuptial plumage, in autumn, after moulting, they wear their eclipse plumage.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Huhn und Ei

Erstaunliche Zahlen im Zeitalter der Vogelgrippe: Über 18 Milliarden Eier werden jährlich in Deutschland verzehrt und über 10 Kilo Geflügelfleisch landen durchschnittlich im Magen eines jeden Bürgers. „Schau Dich schlau!“ widmet sich heute einer der leckersten Erfindungen der Natur: dem Ei und dem Huhn.

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Save energy

The extraction, generation and consumption of energy is a multi-faceted issue. We humans are required to deal sensitively and sustainably with the existing energy supplies in the world and to discover and establish new energy sources.

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Ein Flughafen ist das Tor zur Welt.

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