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Common European Adder
The common (European) adder is extremely wide-spread across the globe.
Learn moreOrganic Farm
That is how we imagine an ideal farm. Free-range hens, cows are being driven from the pasture into the stable, a cat is straying across the yard, the dog is watching over everything... This farm of farmer Ponzaun, however, exists today only because he need not subsist on the profit he makes from selling the products grown on his farm. The main income on the Ponzaun farm derives from the guests who want to experience once again what life was like on a farm in former times. During their holiday on the farm the children and the grown-ups want to participate in the daily life that is determined by the care for and life together with the animals and nature.
Learn moreSprache untersuchen
Der liebevoll animierte Film führt Grundschüler:innen in die grundlegenden syntaktischen Strukturen ein. In einem eigenen Kapitel werden die Wortarten vorgestellt und deren Verwendung dargestellt.
Learn moreHydrological Cycle
Water is the source of life because life on our Earth originated in, more precisely, under the water. Water is essential for animals, plants and for us humans. Without water survival is impossible. Pure water is transparent, it smells and tastes of nothing. But where does the water come from? Where does it flow? And what happens to the water we do not use?
Learn moreHands-on Biology
To perform the experiment with beans you need first of all the seeds, of course. Runner beans are well suited for it. Watch out! Eaten raw, bean seeds are poisonous! For the germination experiments you need one plant pot per experiment. You need a waterproof pen for labelling the pots. Moreover, a watering can and water are required to keep the plant soil moist which is also needed. Some of the plant soil should be dried beforehand. To exclude the light you need a carton, to exclude the air a solid, transparent plastic bag and to exclude the soil cotton wool. In addition, scales, a glass and a protractor are required.
Learn moreThe Senses
This DVD shows how we humans use our five senses to get in touch with our environment. The primary school pupils learn in an easily understandable way about the specifics, the use and the sensitiveness of each sensory organ and receive methodically organised information on their structure, function and protection. In addition, the human sensory organs are compared to those of different animals to illustrate similarities and differences. The DVD puts emphasis on the following topics: “Senso- ry Perceptions”, “The Eyes”, “The Ears”, “The Nose”, “The Tongue” and “The Skin”. The DVD is made up of five didactic units that can be inde- pendently accessed via the DVD’s menu structure. Further, the menu includes additional pictures and diagrams. With a variety of worksheets, test questions and colour slides, the curricular contents of the DVD can be captured for a more de- tailed discussion of the topic of the senses in the classroom.
Learn moreOur Money
„Money makes the world go round.“ Today this proverb is more topical than ever and perfectly describes our dependence on the currency of money. This DVD is intended to contribute to an understanding of the phenomenon of money. In doing so, it first provides an overview of different world currencies with the main emphasis on our currency, the euro. The film shows that the European currency is not specific to a country but transnational. Common features as well as differences in the coins and notes are presented and illustrated. We accompany Jenny and Jakob during their day and learn how to compare, assess, count and calculate with sums of money. The DVD looks critically into the topic of borrowing. In addition, it demonstrates the advantages of saving up, explains the concept of interest and shows how to open an account. This DVD provides a good overview of handling money and calculating with it, describes its form and characteristics and is perfectly suited for lessons in both general knowledge and mathematics at primary school.
Learn morePig
Pigs are considered good luck symbols and are an important food source. They are true olfactory artists and their auditory sense is excellently developed. Their vision, however, is not good at all. The film presents wild pigs and farm pigs and deals with the topics of factory farming and organic farming. Domestic pigs are descended from the wild boars spread all over Europe. Wild Boars are nocturnal animals, love wallowing in the mud, rub against tree trunks and feed on acorns and beechnuts. Domestic pigs might become up to 12 years old provided they were not already slaughtered at the age of six months and a weight of 100 kilogrammes. In factory farming large amounts of meat are to be produced fast and at little cost. This is detrimental to the health of man and animal. Contrary to factory farming, ecological farming ensures species-appropriate husbandry and sustainable production. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreFascination River
Brooks and rivers cross our country. They burst their banks in their natural course and form many habitats for plants and animals. Let us start on a journey of discovery together and experience nature in all its diversity along an intact river system with running and stagnant waters. Water is the source of life on our planet. The sturgeon is among to the oldest species alive on earth today. Sturgeons are also called “living fossils”, since they occurred already 250 million years ago and have survived, contrary to dinosaurs. The sturgeon spends most of its time at sea. But at the onset of sexual maturity the fish wanders hundreds of kilometres upstream for spawning. The eggs of the sturgeon are caviar. As it is also a popular food fish, it was almost exterminated due to intensive fishing and the loss of its natural habitats. For a couple of years, the sturgeon has been returned to the wild in the rivers Oder and Elbe and one day maybe you'll have the chance to watch it circling around at the bottom of the river.
Learn more1.-4. Jahrgangsstufe, Vol. 1
In unserem Arbeitsheft Grundschule Mathematik 1.-4. Jahrgangsstufe, Vol. 1 finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.
Learn moreLesetraining
In unserem Arbeitsheft Grundschule, Deutsch 1/2, Vol. 1 – Lesetraining finden Sie 50 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.