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Frosch und Kröte
Frösche und Kröten sind Amphibien und gehören zur Ordnung der Froschlurche.
Learn moreVogelei
Das Hühnerei ist das bekannteste Vogelei. Nicht nur, dass ihm Küken entschlüpfen, es landet auch als Backzutat im Kuchen, oder als Frühstücksei auf unseren Tellern.
Learn moreKakao aus Belize
Ein Film von Roland Wehap. Der Film zeichnet den Weg einer Kakaobohne aus den Wäldern Belizes bis zur Verarbeitung in einer Schokoladenmanufaktur nach.
Learn moreLerneinheit Mathematik 3/4
In 10 interaktiven Aufgaben beschäftigen sich die Lernenden mit Aufgabenstellungen bezüglich der Hundertertafel.
Mit der Försterin unterwegs
Der Beruf „Förster“ ist wichtig und vielfältig. Die Försterin / der Förster kümmert sich um den Baumbestand und die Waldnutzung.
Learn moreMathematics learning unit 1/2
In our interactive learning unit "Mathematics 1/2 - Calculating up to 10" you will find 10 interactive and didactically prepared tasks on basic arithmetic operations in the number range up to 10.
Learn moreLearning unit subject 4
In our interactive learning unit "Sachunterricht 4 - Blackbird" you will find 10 interactive and didactically prepared tasks on the subject of blackbirds.
Learn moreKamishibai Vol. 4
The medium offers H5P tasks that can be used without additional software. The medium contains texts and interactive tasks on the subject of picture stories.
Learn moreWire
At first glance, wire seems to be a nondescript, rather boring material, too humdrum to be bothered with. The intensive occupation with wire in the film as well as in the accompanying material, however, makes obvious what significance wire actually has in our society. It is truly indispensable! Through the film, children get acquainted with the differences between modern and historic wire manufacturing. Moreover, they see how a bicycle is made and thus learn why bicycles are also called "wire donkeys".
Learn moreCommon European Adder
The common (European) adder is extremely wide-spread across the globe.
Learn moreOrganic Farm
That is how we imagine an ideal farm. Free-range hens, cows are being driven from the pasture into the stable, a cat is straying across the yard, the dog is watching over everything... This farm of farmer Ponzaun, however, exists today only because he need not subsist on the profit he makes from selling the products grown on his farm. The main income on the Ponzaun farm derives from the guests who want to experience once again what life was like on a farm in former times. During their holiday on the farm the children and the grown-ups want to participate in the daily life that is determined by the care for and life together with the animals and nature.
Learn moreSprache untersuchen
Der liebevoll animierte Film führt Grundschüler:innen in die grundlegenden syntaktischen Strukturen ein. In einem eigenen Kapitel werden die Wortarten vorgestellt und deren Verwendung dargestellt.
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