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Old Crafts

Crafts have existed for centuries. Some old craftsmen’s trades have almost disappeared over time. In order to keep up the traditions of the crafts, old handicrafts are presented at traditional festivals or on markets.

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The DVD “Wood/Paper/Recycling” provides information on the treatment and processing of wood. The production of paper, an everyday item in our lives, as well as the recycling process are explained to the primary school pupils in a simplified way. The film is also excellently suited for environmental education. The following topics in the subject area of wood, paper and recycling are covered in this DVD: • Wood – a Natural Resource (appearance, properties; types of wood) • At the Sawmill (treatment and processing methods with state-of-the-art machinery) • Paper (everyday use, papermaking, types of paper, properties) • Recycling (waste paper as an important material for the recycling of used paper, recycling technique) • Environmental Protection (conservation of trees, recycling of waste paper)

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Vegetables and Oil Plants

Throughout the whole year, shops offer us a varied assortment of different kinds of vegetables. But where do the vegetables come from? Originally wild-growing, vegetables are crop plants today. They are sown or planted, cultivated and harvested by humans.

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Schokolade – die süße Versuchung. Kaum einer, der dieser zart schmelzenden Köstlichkeit widerstehen kann. Knapp neun Kilo des leckeren kakaohaltigen Genussmittels gönnte sich der Deutsche 2005 im Durchschnitt. Das liegt nicht nur am guten Geschmack: Schokolade hat auch eine besondere Wirkung auf Körper und Geist. Einige ihrer Inhaltsstoffe sind zum Beispiel gut gegen Bluthochdruck oder Depressionen. "Schau dich schlau!" erklärt, wie Schokolade genau wirkt. Ihren Ursprung hat Schokolade in Südamerika, genossen wurde sie dort als die Sinne erregendes Getränk. Bis zum heutigen Tag werden in Äquatorländern Kakaofrüchte per Hand geerntet, indem sie mit Macheten von den bis zu 15 Meter hohen Bäumen geschlagen werden. Mit den spanischen Eroberern kam der Kakao nach Europa, doch erst im Jahre 1848 gab es Schokolade in Form fester Tafeln. Heute reicht die gute alte Milchschokolade nicht mehr aus – immer ungewöhnlichere Kreationen kommen auf den Markt, darunter gewagte Kombinationen mit Paprika, Sellerie oder sogar Bergkäse. "Schau dich schlau!" zeigt den Weg der Kakaobohne von der Plantage bis in die Schokoladentafel. Außerdem haben sich Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen auf der Internationalen Süßwarenmesse (ISM) in Köln umgeschaut und zeigen die neuesten Trends und die skurrilsten Zutaten!

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Rote Bete

Rote Bete, je nach Landstrich auch als rote Rübe, Rahne, oder Rande bezeichnet, ist ein schmackhaftes Wintervorratsgemüse mit langer Tradition.

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Musical Instruments

Music is an important element of our environment as well as of human culture. By listening attentively, pupils will obtain a finer perception of their musical environment and its structure, which is to support them in finding out and cultivating their own preferences in music. Part of this is also to be able to appreciate, describe and classify musical instruments. The DVD presents all members of the group of wind in- struments, subdivided into woodwind and brass instruments, describes their sound and how they are played and provides suitable audio samples. This DVD and the didactically arranged accompanying mate- rial are perfectly suited for the classroom both for a focus on single instruments and for an introduction to the topic „Lis- tening to music - Experiencing Musical Instruments“.

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Alpine Animals

The Alps are the highest German mountain range and the highest mountain range in Europe. They are an important habitat for plants and animals. We learn that mountains do not look the same from the valley to the peak but that plants and animals adapt to different altitudes.

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“They’re gabbling like geese”, “she’s such a stupid goose” or “silly goose”– those are commonly known sayings.

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Children’s Rights in Germany

25 years have passed since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted unanimously by almost all countries of the world.

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Die Rosskastanie ist ein in Mitteleuropa heimischer Baum, die ursprünglich vom Balkan stammt.

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Die Landwirtschaft ist die Quelle unserer Nahrung. Fleisch, Gemüse und Milch werden in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben produziert.

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Augsburg, Cologne, Trier – perhaps you have already heard about these cities. But did you also know that all these cities were built by the Romans?

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