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Unterwegs gestern und heute
Eine Reise von Frankfurt nach Australien dauert heute 24 Stunden.
Learn moreDinosaurs
Dinosaurs lived on our Earth about 160 million years ago. There are several theories as to why they became extinct about 65 million years ago but the fascination with these creatures is still there. We can look at dinosaurs in dinosaur parks. People have reconstructed dinosaurs based on their ideas of what they might have looked like. In an age appropriate way the following questions are addressed in the film: When did dinosaurs live? What did the Earth look like at the time of the dinosaurs? How did dinosaurs live? Were dinosaurs clever? How do we know about dinosaurs? Where did the dinosaurs get their funny names from? Why did the dinosaurs become extinct? A special highlight is the chapter “Dinos Present Themselves“. A selection of dinosaurs, speaking in different voices, convey information on the various species to the children. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for project work in the elementary sector.
Learn moreMedia in Everyday Life
Media are part of our everyday lives. Children already used media in the past, however, it was not called that back then. A long time ago, boys and girls read books and magazines. In the past century, records, radio and television for children were added.
Learn moreFamilie
Mutter, Vater und die Kinder – das ist, was in den Sinn kommt, wenn man das Wort „Familie“ denkt.
Learn moreResearch Made Easy
There are people who much enjoy finding out things that nobody has found an answer to yet. These people are called scientists. They work to ensure that we humans are able to understand our world better. They discover lots of things that nobody knew before. Or they discover something that occurred so long ago that there is nobody who can remember it any more.
Learn moreClothing
Besides food and shelter, clothing is also one of the basic needs of human beings. Suitable clothing protects against wet, cold or warm conditions, and it also protects us from injuries or burns from the sun. Clothes are also useful because they help us to be able to pursue some jobs or tasks in a better way when wearing them. And finally, the clothes we wear are a sign we set for others. Thus, it is an expression of our personality. We sometimes let clothes speak for us, so to speak. Who we are, how we feel and what group we belong to. Which items does clothing comprise? Firstly, there is underwear: underpants and undershirt. On our feet, we wear socks or stockings. When it is cold, we might wear tights. Over our underwear, we wear a shirt or T-shirt on the upper part of our body. Our legs are covered by trousers. The trousers are supported by a belt or braces.
Learn moreFahrrad
Das Fahrrad ist nicht nur das erste Individualverkehrsmittel gewesen, es ist bis heute auch das preiswerteste geblieben. Fahrradfahren ist zum Lieblingssport der Deutschen geworden. Fero Andersen macht auf dem Rennrad eine Rundtour um den Gardasee. Mit dabei ist ein Fahrradprofi und ein eher untrainierter Mensch – was passiert im Körper der drei Radler? Ist Fahrradfahren wirklich so gesund wie angepriesen und wenn ja, warum? Joey Grit Winkler nimmt mithilfe eines Profis die verschiedenen Fahrradtypen unter die Lupe und erklärt ihre Vorzüge: Rennrad, Mountainbike, Trekkingrad, Cruiser und Co. – für welches Terrain eignen sie sich am besten? Die Redewendung „Das ist wie das Fahrradfahren – das verlernt man nie!“ wird häufig verwendet. Wir gehen der Sache auf den Grund: Welche Fähigkeiten brauchen wir, um Rad zu fahren, und warum verlernen wir es nie? Ein modernes Fahrrad besteht aus Tausenden von Einzelteilen – wir zeigen, wie aufwendig die Produktion der heutigen High-Tech-Fahrräder ist und wie akribisch die Fahrräder getestet werden. Was muss ein Fahrrad alles haben, um in Deutschland eine Straßenzulassung zu erhalten? Außerdem in der Sendung: Wie viel hält ein Fahrradhelm aus? Wie schwer sind Fahrradschlösser zu knacken? Dazu gibt es die besten Tipps von einem Fahrraddoktor, wie man ein Fahrrad schnell und einfach repariert.
Learn moreButterflies
Butterflies fascinate adults just as much as children. The colourful insects are beautiful to look at and herald the summer. We get to know the characteristics of their structure as well as similarities and differences of the various butterflies. Spectacular footage of the Hummingbird Hawk-moth show the development of a butterfly from egg deposition to caterpillar stage to pupation and hatching. During the development from egg to butterfly lots of enemies are lurking. We see various defensive measures and protection mechanisms of caterpillars and butterflies. We watch how the cheeky Death’s-head Hawk-moth walks straight into a beehive and sucks the honeycombs empty. With pictures that they can hardly discover themselves in wild nature the children are offered fascinating insights into the world of butterflies. The accompanying material provides a wealth of ideas for practical implementation in the elementary sector, such as handicraft suggestions, working with natural materials, recipes, suggestions for dances and performances as well as pictures for colouring, song texts and much more. Thus this DVD is a medium that should not be missing in any educational institution.
Learn moreScooter and Bicycle Training
Scooters and bicycles are very popular with all levels of the population, and they are part of our everyday life. Due to the increasing volume of traffic, scooter and bicycle training at school is of great importance. The exercises laid down in the curriculum for the first to third school year take place exclusively as an exercise in a safe environment. Here, pupils acquire the necessary competencies that are a prerequisite for the pupils’ traffic training in the fourth school year. You do not need much to set up a suitable circuit, and most of the required equipment is already at hand in any sports hall: - inclined board - plastic poles with bases - traffic cones - softball - warning tape - ropes - table tennis rackets - step board or the top part of a vaulting box - markings for start and finish.
Learn moreMusical Instruments
Music is an important part of our lives as well as of human culture. By listening attentively, pupils will obtain a finer perception of their musical environment and its structure, which is to support them in finding out and cultivating their own preferences in music. Part of this is also to be able to experience, describe and classify musical instruments.
Learn moreInsects
Many families have got gardens adjacent to their houses and they are a must in kindergarten, too. When children are in nature and move around, they discover their environment with all their senses. In every meadow, scuttling, crawling, buzzing and bumbling creatures can be found.
Learn moreFootball
Football is fun and fascinates people all over the world. Whether professionals or amateurs, male or female, players fight for each ball and for victory. Football is played internationally in accordance with uniform rules. These are clearly explained in the film. What do the markings on the pitch mean? When is there a goal kick, when a free kick, a penalty kick, a throw-in etc.? We see the referees at work and learn about the meanings of their signals.
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