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Werte und Normen in Deutschland
Dieser sprachlose Animationsfilm zeigt in leicht verständlichen Bildern in Alltagssituationen die Werte und Normen in Deutschland. Für Erwachsene und Kinder, welche neu in unsere für sie fremde Gesellschaft kommen und (noch) nicht unsere Sprache sprechen oder verstehen. Werte und Normen werden anschaulich auch ohne Sprachkenntnisse schnell vermittelt. Durch die Unterteilung des Filmes in sinnvolle Sequenzen (Gleichberechtigung, Meinungsfreiheit, Religionsfreiheit, Schulbildung, gewaltfreie Erziehung) können die einzelnen Themengebiete aufbereitet, diskutiert und vertieft werden. Als weitere Ergänzung kann der auf DVD und Online verfügbare Film „Werte und Normen in Deutschland – Mit und von Flüchtlingen“ in vier Sprachen“ (auch in Hocharabisch und Englisch) eingesetzt werden.
Learn moreFrom Stone to Glass
In terms understandable to children, this DVD illustrates how glass, a widely used material, is made. The film shows, step by step, the development from rock to quartz sand, which, mixed with further ingredients, forms an important component in the making of glass. In order to give the children an exact idea of glass production, a glassblower is watched at his job. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations, such as songs, experiments, tips for assembly, games, mandalas, etc., both for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the children have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten life for the children to experience the often used material glass with all their senses. Thus, this DVD offers a basis suitable for child-oriented projects in kindergarten and early primary school, which take up and illustrate a topic familiar from the children’s everyday lives.
Learn moreHecht
Der Hecht ist Fisch des Jahres 2016. Er ist einer unserer größten heimischen Raubfische. Sein Maul ist mit messerscharfen Zähnen gespickt.
Learn moreThe Circus
The circus is a favourite topic for project work at kindergarten. Focal point is, of course, the children‘s spontaneous, allround experience of the circus. But it is not always feasible for educators to visit a circus to take a look at everyday life there. In clear terms, the DVD presents the life of the circus family Aros. It explains in a way suitable for children that circus life comprehends far more than the funny world presented to the spectators. The glance behind the scenes reveals that circus life means a lot of hard work. We witness an ordinary day in the life of the circus children Justine and Leon, who hardly have time to watch TV or play games. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations such as songs, recipes, some ideas on how to stage a circus performance, games, make-up tips, etc., for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the pupils have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten for the children to experience the gaily-coloured circus life with all their senses.
Learn moreCatholic and Protestant Baptism
As an important ritual of the Christian faith, baptism is closely connected with the traditional stories of the prophet John the Baptist, who is said to have lived in Jesus’ lifetime. John baptised people in the River Jordan, located at the present-day border between Israel and Jordan in the Middle East. Baptism and water were symbols of people’s confession of past sins and return to the right track in life. One day, Jesus and some of his disciples are said to have come to John to have themselves baptised.
Learn moreSalz
Ein vermeintlich gewöhnliches und billiges, weißes Gewürz gilt im Altertum als Göttergabe, in unserer Zeit kann man es kiloweise im Supermarkt kaufen. Die Rede ist von Salz, der chemischen Verbindung aus Natrium und Chlorid.
Learn moreWinter
Winter is the most extraordinary season. Trees without leaves, little sunlight, the majority of animals have disappeared and humans have to deal with black ice and coughs and sneezes. Nevertheless, winter also has a lot to offer that is available in that season alone: snow, winter sports, calm and peace. In short chapters, children learn how snow and ice form, why it is dark until late in winter and how plants and animals overwinter. Dangers related to the season are mentioned and it is explained how children can protect themselves. In addition, we show what interesting possibilities winter offers, which are only real fun during that time. Besides didactic-methodical considerations, the accompanying material includes a plethora of ideas to discuss this subject from all points of view and comprehensively, and to discover it from a new angle.
Learn moreDornröschen
Die Geschichte von Dornröschen ist eines der bekanntesten Märchen. Es gehört zu den „Kinder- und Hausmärchen“ der Brüder Grimm. Der Film zeigt in liebevoller Darstellung vor prächtiger Kulisse das Märchen vom Königspaar, welches endlich ein Kind bekommt. Durch einen Fluch wird das Mädchen 100 Jahre Schlafen, nachdem sie sich im fünfzehnten Lebensjahr an einer Spindel sticht. Durch den Kuss eines Prinzen wacht sie nach dieser Zeit wieder auf und die beiden feiern Hochzeit.
Learn moreSummer
Finally, summer has come! This DVD explains in a way suitable for children why summer comes, how life develops in nature and why we humans love this season so much. In short chapters, children learn why daylight hours are longer and how a thunderstorm builds up. The behaviour of animals and their young as well as changes in the flora are explained in a way appropriate for children. Rules for the right behaviour in the sun, in the water and during a thunderstorm are explained just like the dangers of a tick bite or wasp sting and the right reaction in such a situation. Besides didactic-methodical suggestions, the accompanying material also includes various games, songs, experiments, tips and suggestions providing an incentive to work on a topic, which is virtually a compulsory annual subject, from different points of view and holistically and to discover it from a new angle.
Learn moreWine-Growing
The film starts with a short, simple overview of the importance of viticulture in Germany and Austria and the most famous wine regions in both countries. Then it goes on to discuss the most important conditions (soil, solar radiation) and forms of cultivation (terraces and vineyards on the plains) as well as the most widely spread types of grapes in Germany and Austria. In the main part of the film, pupils of a primary school accompany a wine-grower throughout the working year, watching him at work in the vineyard: form of the vine, work in winter (pruning, fruitbearing vines, substitute vines) turning cut-off vines into chaff, additional jobs (hammering in sticks, tightening wires, fastening fruit-bearing vines), removal of the earth from the grafting spots, pest control, cultivation of green manure crops, removal of surplus shoots, blossoming, weed removal, fighting nematodes (threadworms) biologically by cultivating daikon radish and, finally, harvesting. Apart from the manual harvest – where young and old people join in – also the use of harvesters is described.
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