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Ameisen sind Insekten und gehören zu den Gliederfüßern. Das bedeutet, der Körper dieser Tiergruppe ist stets in drei deutlich erkennbare Abschnitte gegliedert: Kopf, Brust und Hinterleib. Man schätzt, dass es über 15.000 verschiedene Arten Ameisen auf der Welt gibt. Man findet sie überall: von den heißen Tropen bis zum kalten Polarkreis, von hohen Gipfeln bis den Wüsten – es ist das erfolgreichste Insekt der Erde. Die Ameisen haben viele unterschiedliche Wohnorte, aber am bekanntesten ist bei uns der Ameisenhaufen. Er ist etwa einen Meter hoch und mindestens genauso tief. Im Ameisenhaufen leben alle Ameisen, die Königin, ihre Arbeiterinnen, die männlichen Ameisen und alle Larven. Ameisen verständigen sich mit einer Antennensprache, legen Duftwege und können sich die Richtung der Sonne merken. Die Waldameisen fressen gerne Raupen, kleine Spinnen, Insekten und Fliegen. Ihre Hauptfeine sind der Specht und der Schmetterling. Wenn sich die Ameisen bedroht fühlen, verspritzen sie Ameisensäure.

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Fascinating Bird World

Millions of different bird species live on earth. A blackbird, a flamingo, an eagle, a kiwi and a penguin look very different. By adapting to their specific habitats and eating habits their bodies have changed.

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Medieval Castle

In the thousand years of the Middle Ages – approximately between the 6th and 16th centuries after Christ, there must have been 20,000 or maybe even more castles in the area covered today by Germany and Austria.  

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Allein in Deutschland landen jedes Jahr elf Millionen Tonnen Lebensmittel im Müll. Würde man diese Menge Lebensmittelabfall in Lkws verladen, so ergäbe sich eine Lkw-Schlange, die von Berlin bis nach Peking reichen würde.

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Water is Everywhere

In terms easily understandable to children, this DVD makes us realize how important water is in our everyday life. The film shows where water comes from, how the water cycle on earth works and describes the long journey of the water before it finally flows from our taps. Splash, the raindrop, guides the children through the exciting world of water. It also points out possible dangers and explains that water is the most important resource on earth. For without water, there is no life. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations such as songs, experiments, tips for assembly, games, mandalas, etc., both for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the children have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten life for the children to experience our most important resource with all their senses. Thus, this DVD offers a suitable, childoriented basis for projects in kindergarten and early primary school, which take up and illustrate a topic familiar from the children‘s everyday lives.

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Life in the Lake

All of you certainly know a lake. Perhaps you have even been splashing around in a lake once because lakes are big stretches of water. But what actually is a lake? How did it form? What lives in a lake and around it? That is what we want to find out together. How do you actually recognise that you are at a lake? If you look closely, you see, simply put, that lakes are always where water collects in a very big depression on the earth’s surface. Contrary to rivers, lakes are therefore bodies of water that are surrounded on all sides by a shore.

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Werte und Normen in Deutschland

Dieser sprachlose Animationsfilm zeigt in leicht verständlichen Bildern in Alltagssituationen die Werte und Normen in Deutschland. Für Erwachsene und Kinder, welche neu in unsere für sie fremde Gesellschaft kommen und (noch) nicht unsere Sprache sprechen oder verstehen. Werte und Normen werden anschaulich auch ohne Sprachkenntnisse schnell vermittelt. Durch die Unterteilung des Filmes in sinnvolle Sequenzen (Gleichberechtigung, Meinungsfreiheit, Religionsfreiheit, Schulbildung, gewaltfreie Erziehung) können die einzelnen Themengebiete aufbereitet, diskutiert und vertieft werden. Als weitere Ergänzung kann der auf DVD und Online verfügbare Film „Werte und Normen in Deutschland – Mit und von Flüchtlingen“ in vier Sprachen“ (auch in Hocharabisch und Englisch) eingesetzt werden.

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From Stone to Glass

In terms understandable to children, this DVD illustrates how glass, a widely used material, is made. The film shows, step by step, the development from rock to quartz sand, which, mixed with further ingredients, forms an important component in the making of glass. In order to give the children an exact idea of glass production, a glassblower is watched at his job. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations, such as songs, experiments, tips for assembly, games, mandalas, etc., both for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the children have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten life for the children to experience the often used material glass with all their senses. Thus, this DVD offers a basis suitable for child-oriented projects in kindergarten and early primary school, which take up and illustrate a topic familiar from the children’s everyday lives.

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All things have weight. Some things are heavy. Others are light.

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Der Hecht ist Fisch des Jahres 2016. Er ist einer unserer größten heimischen Raubfische. Sein Maul ist mit messerscharfen Zähnen gespickt.

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The Circus

The circus is a favourite topic for project work at kindergarten. Focal point is, of course, the children‘s spontaneous, allround experience of the circus. But it is not always feasible for educators to visit a circus to take a look at everyday life there. In clear terms, the DVD presents the life of the circus family Aros. It explains in a way suitable for children that circus life comprehends far more than the funny world presented to the spectators. The glance behind the scenes reveals that circus life means a lot of hard work. We witness an ordinary day in the life of the circus children Justine and Leon, who hardly have time to watch TV or play games. The accompanying material contains extensive suggestions and recommendations such as songs, recipes, some ideas on how to stage a circus performance, games, make-up tips, etc., for a practical application of the topic in the classroom and for reinforcing the knowledge the pupils have acquired. Special emphasis was laid on an integrated learning experience in kindergarten for the children to experience the gaily-coloured circus life with all their senses.

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Catholic and Protestant Baptism

As an important ritual of the Christian faith, baptism is closely connected with the traditional stories of the prophet John the Baptist, who is said to have lived in Jesus’ lifetime. John baptised people in the River Jordan, located at the present-day border between Israel and Jordan in the Middle East. Baptism and water were symbols of people’s confession of past sins and return to the right track in life. One day, Jesus and some of his disciples are said to have come to John to have themselves baptised.

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