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Ordnung spart viel Zeit. Hauswirtschaftslehrerin Petra Fuchs gibt sieben hilfreiche Tipps, wie Aufräumen schnell geht und Spaß bringen kann. Dazu kommt das Themenfeld Sicherheit im Haushalt – hier wird auf die wichtigsten Sicherheitsregeln eingegangen, damit Dir beim Schneiden mit dem Messer oder beim Verwenden der Pfanne nichts passiert. Weiteres Haushaltswissen wird aus den Bereichen Reinigen mit verschiedenen Reinigungsmitteln, optimales Waschen mit der Waschmaschine und sicheres Kochen vermittelt. Zum Schluss zeigt der Film noch ein einfaches Rezept mit genauer Anleitung zum Nachkochen.

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Christmas is a festival celebrated all over the world. Although it is a Christian feast, many people on Earth know and celebrate Christmas. Christmas time is a very special period that somehow casts a spell on the world around us. Streets and houses are decorated and music can be heard from all sides. Although the grown-ups are "under stress", so to speak, in December, it is nevertheless a cosy and pleasant time.

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Continents are continuous expanses of land that are clearly separated from each other by oceans.

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Jedes Kind hat schon einmal von ihm gehört, gesehen haben ihn die Wenigsten, denn er lebt meistens im Verborgenen.

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Road Safety Education

Road safety education for children is a difficult task for parents, tutors and teachers. Correct behaviour in road traffic is extremely hard to learn for children. They are not aware of the dangers. But how can you raise their awareness without frightening them? How can you encourage their autonomy in road traffic without exposing the children to dangers? The give-way sign “Signo” guides the children through traffic. It describes the correct crossing of a street and shows the dangers of playing next to a street and the right behaviour for passengers in a car. The film also describes the right clothes in the dark, the safe bike and the most important traffic rules. “Signo” asks well-directed questions to actively include the children in what is happening. The accompanying material contains ideas for practical implementation, games, songs, active games and painting sheets on the subjects. Work sheets for primary school are also included. Based on this comprehensive material, the DVD is ideal for projects in kindergartens, after-school care centres and primary schools.

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We humans are so-called “omnivores“, that means we eat everything. We are not restricted in our diet. We tolerate meat, fish and vegetables, cereals and dairy products. Everything agrees with us.

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Der Froschkönig

Das Märchen vom Froschkönig ist eines der bekanntesten deutschen Märchen.

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At first glance, wire seems to be a nondescript, rather boring material, too humdrum to be bothered with. The intensive occupation with wire in the film as well as in the accompanying material, however, makes obvious what significance wire actually has in our society. It is truly indispensable! Through the film, children get acquainted with the differences between modern and historic wire manufacturing. Moreover, they see how a bicycle is made and thus learn why bicycles are also called "wire donkeys".

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The best waste is the one that never arises in the first place or that can be avoided.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Deutschlands Landschaften

Deutschland ist ein Land der Landschaften. Der Film nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise von den Küsten im Norden über die Lüneburger Heide, die Lößbörde und die Mittelgebirge in der Mitte Deutschlands bis zu den Alpen im Süden.

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Spring is an eventful period. We humans are glad that it gets warmer again and stays light longer. The warm air entices us to go cycling, to play or to enjoy the sun. The film describes the changes occurring in nature after the cold winter. We learn when it is spring again and how the seasons develop. We are shown the most popular spring flowers.

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Domestic Cat

Nobody has actually counted all of them but it is estimated that there are about 200 million domestic cats in the world. In Germany alone live abou 14 million. That makes it the most popular pet in this country.

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