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This DVD offers a well-structured overview of Estonia focusing on the following aspects: Location within the EU (border to Russia, situation at the Gulf of Finland), size and inhabitants, landscapes (regional land- scapes, mountains, rivers, islands), fauna and flora (moose, brown bear, lynx, natural parks), the climate, history (short survey) up to its present system of government, old and new relations with Germany, connections with Finland, traffic and infrastructure – the importance of the Gulf of Finland, infra- structure (e.g. country of the Internet), economic structure (agriculture, industry, mining and processing of oil shale and energy generation, tourism), important cities and sights, the capital of Tallinn, religion, traditions (e.g. Hansa Days Festi- val in Tallinn), lifestyle, food and drink, language, education, culture and music. Outstanding shots, didactically arranged computer charts, animated maps as well as historical pictures give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the country and its inhabitants in a form appropriate for their age group.
Learn moreIndia
India – in official language also called Republic of India, is a state in South Asia. Its national territory has an extension of about 3,287,263 km2, and is inhabited by 1.3 billion people. In the north the country reaches up to the Himalayas and the south is enclosed by the Indian Ocean. The southern tip of India is near the island state of Sri Lanka. To the northwest it borders Pakistan. To the north it borders China, the Chinese Autonomous Region of Tibet respectively, Nepal and Bhutan, to the east Myanmar and Bangladesh. In addition, the Adaman and Nicobar Islands in the Gulf of Bengal and the Laccadives in the Arabian Sea are part of India as well.
Learn moreRechtsruck
PEGIDA, AfD in Deutschland und die FPÖ in Österreich als Sprachrohr von mit der eigenen Regierung unzufriedenen und von der Globalisierung abgehängten Bürgern.
Learn moreSave a Life
Operations are performed under anaesthesia. There are different kinds of procedures, ranging from general anaesthesia to regional or local anaesthesia.
Learn moreThe Hedge in the Course of a Year
This DVD offers clearly structured information, in particular covering the following topics: Firstly, the diversity and type as well as the different tasks of a hedge are described. Vivid pictures illustrate the difference between low hedges, hedges of middle height and high hedges. The structure of the hedge is explained in detail. The DVD shows the hedge in the course of a year with the accompanying changes in flora and fauna. Here, an emphasis is put on introducing the most common shrubs, trees, flowers and animal species associated with the biotope of a hedge.In addition, the pupils learn to distinguish between poisonous and edible fruit from indigenous shrubs, illustrated by the examples of elder bush, blackthorn and the spindle tree. Blooms, fruit, spiders, insects and other hedge-dwellers are presented in close-ups of superior quality. The learning target “from the bloom to the fruit” is illustrated with the help of an animation. The film shows the interactions between plants and animals and highlights the correlations among the dwellers of the hedge habitat.
Learn moreFascination River
Brooks and rivers cross our country. They burst their banks in their natural course and form many habitats for plants and animals. Let us start on a journey of discovery together and experience nature in all its diversity along an intact river system with running and stagnant waters. Water is the source of life on our planet. The sturgeon is among to the oldest species alive on earth today. Sturgeons are also called “living fossils”, since they occurred already 250 million years ago and have survived, contrary to dinosaurs. The sturgeon spends most of its time at sea. But at the onset of sexual maturity the fish wanders hundreds of kilometres upstream for spawning. The eggs of the sturgeon are caviar. As it is also a popular food fish, it was almost exterminated due to intensive fishing and the loss of its natural habitats. For a couple of years, the sturgeon has been returned to the wild in the rivers Oder and Elbe and one day maybe you'll have the chance to watch it circling around at the bottom of the river.
Learn moreGeiger-Müller Counter Tube
Radioactivity leads to invisible radiation with considerable effects on the organism.
Learn moreKendama
„Kendama“ heißt wörtlich Schwert und Kugel und besteht aus einem Ball und einem Griff verbunden durch eine Schnur. Bei dem japanischen Geschicklichkeitsspiel gibt es eine unendliche große Anzahl an Tricks und Möglichkeiten, um die Kugel des Spiels aufzufangen. Es kann überall und von jedem gespielt werden.
Learn more3D Printing
Layer by layer, a three-dimensional form is being created here – a chess piece. Just like that, from a printer – however, a special one: a 3D printer. Thus, the dream of being able to manufacture three-dimensional pieces yourself at home becomes reality.
Learn moreDie Habsburger
Das Haus Habsburg ist eines der bedeutendsten europäischen Adelsgeschlechter. Mehr als 20 Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches deutscher Nation stellte es. In seiner Blütezeit herrschte das Haus Habsburg über ein Reich, in dem die Sonne niemals unterging.
Learn moreFrom Antiquity to the Modern Era
A lot of things we take for granted are actually the result of a long struggle.
Learn moreCharles de Gaulle
Charles André Marie Joseph de Gaulle was born on 22nd November 1890 to a patriotic, Catholic family in Lille. His father, Henri de Gaulle, a professor for literature and history, had a strong influence on him. Young Charles received a solid classical education from the Jesuits and Augustinians and decided upon a military career. In 1908, he was admitted to the officers’ school of Saint-Cyr, which he left in 13th place in 1912.
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