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Parkour ist eine recht junge Trendsportart, die Hindernisse in der alltäglichen Umgebung möglichst elegant überwindet.
Learn moreZünfte
Die Entstehung der Zünfte fällt ins Hochmittelalter und ist eng verbunden mit den Stadtgründungen.
Learn moreGermanic Tribes
When the Romans deliberately encountered the Germanic tribes in the 2nd century BC, they knew almost nothing about their soon-to-be most dangerous enemies and even today, much is still obscure as the Germanic tribes, unlike the Romans, did not leave behind large stone edifices but built their houses from wood – and this is ephemeral.
Learn moreSigmund Freud I
On 6th May 1856 Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born in Freiberg, a small town in Moravia. His parents, the forty-one year old Jewish wool merchant Kallamon Jacob Freud and Amalia, née Nathansohn, who was 20 years his junior, had seven more children together, and his father had two sons from previous marriages. “My parents were Jews, I have also remained a Jew”, Sigmund Freud later wrote in his autobiography. Quote from Sigmund Freud: “Incidentally, why was it that none of all the pious people ever discovered psycho¬analysis? Why did the world have to wait for a completely godless Jew?”
Learn moreDictatorships in the 20th Century IV
Within just a few years, Adolf Hitler succeeds in transforming the young democracy of the Weimar Republic into a dictatorship. With sophisticated propaganda he got millions of German citizens to vote for him. He achieved dictatorship and started the 1st World War – driven by his anti-Semitic ideas and the vision of making Germany the ruler of the world. This film provides information on Hitler as a person. How this Austrian boy with an utterly ordinary childhood, whose dream it was to be a painter one day, grew into the man that turned half the world into piles of rubble.
Learn moreChemie im Haushalt
Backen, Abwaschen, reinigen, – ganz normale Tätigkeiten im Haushalt. Dazu nutzen wir meist vielfältige Helfer wie Back- und Reinigungsmittel. Die Allgegenwärtigkeit von Chemie und der damit verbundenen chemischen Reaktionen sind uns oft nicht bewusst.
Learn moreBasics of Chemistry I
We are surrounded by objects and substances. We recognise objects that are to serve a specific purpose by their shapes. Similar objects may consist of different materials or substances. Substances, however, are independent of shapes and possess very specific properties. We are able to perceive many of these substances with our senses. For example, we can see, touch or smell them so as to be able to recognise them. Chemists are particularly interested in those substance characteristics that can be measured. On the basis of these measurable properties they can distinguish between substances, identify a specific substance or test it for special use. Models help us to understand phenomena. They depict only specific elements of our reality, thus presenting the world in a simplified way. The spherical particle model, for example, helps us to understand how a scent spreads all over the room or substances disperse in water.
Learn moreBüchners Woyzeck
Georg Büchner (1813-1837) starb, noch bevor er sein soziales Drama „Woyzeck“ vollenden konnte. Aus Fragmenten zusammengesetzt, wird das Werk bis heute neu inszeniert. Büchner war nicht nur Revolutionär und Schriftsteller, sondern auch Mediziner. Und so verbindet er in der Geschichte des „Woyzeck“ die politische und soziale Situation seiner Zeit.
Learn moreValues and Norms in Germany
O-Ton M. Ozbak (Afghanistan): „Both with regard to household chores and with tasks in public, women and men are equal.“
Learn moreFake News
Otto von Bismarck sagte einst: „Es wird niemals so viel gelogen wie vor der Wahl, während des Krieges und nach der Jagd.“ Auch er selbst nutzte gefälschte Nachrichten, heute nennt man sie „Fake News“, um einen politischen oder strategischen Vorteil zu erlangen.
Learn moreFleisch vom Discounter
Fleisch in deutschen Discountern – so günstig wie nirgendwo in Europa.
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