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Petroleum – a resource without which our modern industrial society is hardly conceivable. It serves as a basis for the fuel of almost all means of transport, but also for generating heat and electricity.

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The territory of present-day Israel is one of the oldest cultural regions on Earth. It is the Holy Land of three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But this country between the Jordan and the Mediterranean with a rich tradition is threatening to break apart because of the conflict between Israelis and Arabs.The territory of present-day Israel is one of the oldest cultural regions on Earth. It is the Holy Land of three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But this country between the Jordan and the Mediterranean with a rich tradition is threatening to break apart because of the conflict between Israelis and Arabs.

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Showered with superlatives, Venice is doubtlessly an out- standing city, welcoming up to 15 million tourists annually. But despite the powerful magic it radiates, the city is confronted with seemingly overwhelming problems. Hence, detractors keep talking about a dying city. Is Venice then really the At- lantis of our time? The film published here first of all provides a survey of the most important geographic data of the lagoon city and looks into the question why more than one thousand years ago people settled in this inhospitable environment. The immense wealth of the former maritime republic can still be imagined when looking at the sumptuous architecture of many of its buildings. The DVD examines the various causes responsible for the rise of Venice to the dominating merchant power of the whole Mediterranean region during the Middle Ages. And why did the city lose its importance afterwards? As a special highlight of this DVD, we have included a film on Venice dating back to 1968. The two films are excellently suited for comparison, on the one hand with respect to the city‘s historic development, on the other hand in view of its respective treatment on film.

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In the far north, at the border to Denmark, is the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. The Baltic Sea coast and the hilly country to the east, the geest in the centre, the North Frisian Islands, the Wadden Sea with the North Sea coast determine the natural environment.

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In Deutschland gibt es 294 Landkreise. Doch wie sind diese in Deutschland verwaltet und strukturiert?  Der Film zeigt anschaulich an einem Beispiellandkreis die Vorteile und Aufgaben von Gemeindeverbänden in dieser Form der Verwaltungseinheit.

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Internationaler Terrorismus

„Wo warst du am 11. September 2001?“ Eine Frage, wie sie die meisten Erwachsenen von uns ohne Zögern beantworten könnten, die jedoch auf die jüngere Generation aus naheliegenden Gründen eher befremdlich wirkt. Und dennoch sind gerade sie in einer Welt groß geworden, die maßgeblich von den schrecklichen Ereignissen an jenem Tag beeinflusst worden ist. Und uns durch den Anschlag auf „Charlie Hebdo“ wieder nachdrücklich in Erinnerung gebracht wurden.

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This DVD provides comprehensive information on the diffe- rent areas of police activity. The responsible job of police officers as well as their every- day duties are clearly described and shown in a way that is understandable to primary school pupils. “Police – In Action for Safety” offers a detailed insight into the cop-operation of all police forces and the technical means available to them, for instance when on duty in road traffic, at special or large events, when searching for persons, when solving crimes as well as on daily patrol duty. In exciting film clips, the pupils can directly experience what the life of a police officer is like. The comprehensive accompanying material complements the facts already learned and further includes many transfer tasks, language games and mathematical questions regarding police work.

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hey are gigantic, fascinating and have offered material for the media time and again – dinosaurs. Year after year, our knowledge about these animal increases. In spite of that, opinions persist that all dinosaurs were bloodthirsty, cruel carnivores. The film at hand clears up these misconceptions.

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Zuordnungen I

Die DVD beschäftigt sich mit:

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"At night all cats are black." – all of you will probably know this figure of speech. Light is involved or rather a situation where little light is available.

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Football is fun and fascinates people all over the world. Whether professionals or amateurs, male or female, players fight for each ball and for victory. Football is played internationally in accordance with uniform rules. These are clearly explained in the film. What do the markings on the pitch mean? When is there a goal kick, when a free kick, a penalty kick, a throw-in etc.? We see the referees at work and learn about the meanings of their signals.

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Source of Energy

Energy determines our lives. Without energy, plants, animals and humans would not be able to live. Without energy, there would be no movement. But what is energy? Where does it come from and how is it used – yesterday, today, tomorrow? The DVD provides an illustrative introduction into the highly topical issue of energy. Starting with the human perception, it leads us to the cosmic primal source, the huge fusion power plant above our heads – to the sun. In doing so, it explains how energy reaches the Earth and is used here in different ways by plants, animals and humans. The physics part clears up the terms work, power and degree of efficiency. The DVD shows what conversion losses occur in the process from primary energy to useful energy, of course including the clarification that energy can neither be generated nor lost in a physical sense. The ecological, economic and social sustainability is discussed. This way, it is made clear that only Renewable Energy – thus energy from the Sun – can secure our future.

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