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Die Habsburger
Das Haus Habsburg ist eines der bedeutendsten europäischen Adelsgeschlechter. Mehr als 20 Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches deutscher Nation stellte es. In seiner Blütezeit herrschte das Haus Habsburg über ein Reich, in dem die Sonne niemals unterging.
Learn moreFrom Antiquity to the Modern Era
A lot of things we take for granted are actually the result of a long struggle.
Learn moreCharles de Gaulle
Charles André Marie Joseph de Gaulle was born on 22nd November 1890 to a patriotic, Catholic family in Lille. His father, Henri de Gaulle, a professor for literature and history, had a strong influence on him. Young Charles received a solid classical education from the Jesuits and Augustinians and decided upon a military career. In 1908, he was admitted to the officers’ school of Saint-Cyr, which he left in 13th place in 1912.
Learn moreFirst World War
First World War – A European Catastrophe Even though countless armed conflicts had shaken mankind in the course of its history, it was the First World War that surpassed with its 17 million casualties and immense damage anything that had ever been experienced before. DVD 1 tries to investigate the question where to find the causes for the First World War. Starting with the foundation of the German Reich and its foreign policy, the alliance systems are explained. Also the importance of the colonies as raw materials and sales markets are shown. Germany was the economic powerhouse in Europe thus shaking its balance of power. What were the aims of the individual Great Powers? What were the chances when the war broke out in 1914 in view of the balance of power among the alliances? DVD 2 shows the fronts, meanwhile hardened, between the Central Powers and the Allies from 1915-1918. It becomes clearly visible what horrors modern warfare entailed and how radically the role of the individual soldier on the battlefield changed. Together with the extensive additional material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreHalogens
The compounds of halogens are - with the exception of astatine - widespread, can be encountered in nature and are versatile substances. This fact is taken up on this DVD in order to teach the students the chemistry of the halogens by illustrating their special qualities and explaining the correlation of their structure with their chemical properties. In the first part, an overview of the element group of halogens lays emphasis on the common as well as on the distinguishing characteristics of fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. In a second part, the specific properties of bromine and iodine are presented. This topic is linked to the students‘ everyday experience on the one hand (bromine as a catalyst for reactolite sunglasses, iodine as an agent in medicine, etc.) on the one hand. As a rule, they are of a kind that can only be realized with difficulty, or high expenditure in the chemistry classroom. With the help of these experiments, students are introduced to the chemistry of the halogens in a way that enables them to draw conclusions on the basis of their observations.
Learn moreLiterature after 1945
The Second World War, triggered by the National Socialists, began with the German invasion of Poland on 1st September 1939. Six years later, half the world was lying in ruins, 60 to 70 million people had lost their lives on the battle fields in Europe, Africa and Asia. Entire landscapes had become uninhabitable.
Learn moreSaisonal und gesund kochen
Selber kochen macht Spaß und mit saisonalen und regionalen Zutaten tut man auch etwas für die CO2-Bilanz.
Learn moreAltersarmut
Innerhalb von 52 Jahren hat sich in der Bundesrepublik das Verhältnis von Beitragszahlern für die Rente zu den bestehenden Rentnern um den Faktor 3 verschlechtert. Sind 1962 noch 6 Erwerbstätige für die Rentenzahlung eines Rentners aufkommen, so mussten 2014 zwei Erwerbstätige für die Rentenzahlung von einem Rentner aufkommen. Die Altersarmut in Deutschland steigt. Denn nur wer 40 Jahre ohne Unterbrechung mindestens 2.100 € verdient hat, bekommt als Rente mehr als den Hartz-IV-Satz ausgezahlt. Beschäftige im Niedriglohnsektor oder in Teilzeit können selbst nach 45 Jahren Arbeit nicht von ihrer Rente leben. Vielen Rentnern bleibt nur der entwürdigende Weg zum Arbeitsamt.
Learn moreDiskriminierung von Minderheiten
"Zeit für Helden – Und was machst Du?" schafft Aufklärung rund um die Themen Diskriminierung, Rassismus, Vorurteile und Zivilcourage.
Learn moreKiffen
Für sein neuestes Experiment muss Jenke von Wilmsdorff zwangsläufig das Land verlassen. Denn er möchte im doppelten Sinne eine Grenz-Erfahrung machen: Fünf Tage lang konsumiert er im niederländischen Haarlem intensiv Cannabis, um im Selbstversuch zu erfahren, wie sich das Rauschmittel auf den menschlichen Körper auswirkt.
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