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Air Traffic

Being able to fly has been a dream of humanity from time immemorial. But it does not even date back a century that people actually started being able to travel through the air. Since the 1960s, the number of flight passengers has been constantly increasing. Thus, the airspace is no longer dominated by birds but by man-made flying objects.

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Human Dignity

This is Albertine. She is seven years old. Three years ago, she lost her mother and has lived with her grandmother ever since, her father has left them. Every noon she comes to have lunch in the ward. The girl seems to feel her strength ebbing away and has decided not to talk anymore. The children at this stage believe that the grown-ups can prevent death but see that they're not doing so. Thus, they seal themselves off and retreat into their own world. And when this happens, Sister Marie Stella and her team prepare the children for death, just as they do with the grown-ups. Albertine was allowed to chose a dress from the dressmakers for the Christmas celebration.

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Musical Instruments III

Who does not know them - the Orff Instruments? Already at the age of a toddler, you come in contact with them. Rattles and other noisy toys are to be found in almost every nursery and also the glockenspiel is an instrument found frequently there. But where do these Orff instruments come from? And what has given them their names? Carl Orff, the Munich-born musical teacher and composer, greatly influenced the national and international music world with his works. The Orff instruments were named after him and music pedagogy is no longer imaginable without them. But who was Carl Orff? The first part of the film shows Carl Orff's life from childhood until death. Subsequently, Carl Orff's works are covered, with a focus on "Carmina Burana“. The last part provides us with a detailed overview of the Orff instruments. The qualities of the instruments and their sounds are shown as well as the ways they are played. Together with the comprehensive and innovative accompanying material, the film is highly suitable for classroom use.

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While large parts of Europe still lived in the Dark Middle Ages and huge cathedrals dominated the cities, a new consciousness blossomed in Florence, Italy at the beginning of the 15th century:

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Was wir fühlen, wie wir reagieren, das wird gesteuert durch die Nervenbahnen unseres Gehirns. In dem Film wird das Nervensystem dargestellt und der Aufbau der einzelnen Nervenzellen erläutert. Welche Übertragungswege ein Reiz nimmt und auf welchen Wegen eine Reaktion ausgelöst wird, wird in anschaulichen Grafiken gezeigt.

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The term “invertebrates” was coined by the French zoologist and botanist Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck in the early 19th century. He was the first to address the classification of the then so-called “lower animals” and divided them into different categories and classes.

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Hamsters are small rodents that have four sharp incisors. They are related to mice.

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Animals in the Forest

The forest is home to many animals.

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Structure of the Forest

Forests are more than an accumulation of trees. The individual tree is more than a valuable source of wood. From its roots to its crown, it offers habitats to a variety of the most different creatures. The older a tree, the more valuable it becomes to many forest inhabitants. And even in death it is still full of life. If you take a closer look at a forest, you notice that the plants grow to different heights. They form storeys like those of a house. At the top level there are only the big trees. From a bird’s perspective we see that the highest specimens in the forest form a closed canopy. In summer, the treetops resemble big parasols shading the forest floor. Depending upon how much sunlight filters into the depths, this has consequences for the forest vegetation.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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This DVD offers a clearly structured survey of mushrooms with an emphasis on the following aspects: Mushrooms of different shapes and colours present their fruit bodies. The reproduction by means of spores is shown with different kinds of mushrooms. The actual mushroom is formed by hyphae in the ground. The symbiosis between mushroom and tree is called mycorrhiza. Mushrooms can be poisons or medicines, as is illustrated by the examples of ergot and the birch polypore. Mildews and slime moulds are examples of the decomposing effects of mushrooms. In the fermentation of yeast plants, sugar is transformed into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Lichens are extremely adaptable. Under the electron-scan microscope, we can see how algae and mushroom hyphae form a complex symbiosis. Finally, rules and recommendations for gathering mushrooms are provided. Outstanding shots (with impressive fast-motion pictures and animations) give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the characteristics of mushrooms.

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The Common Buzzard

The common buzzard is a well-known native bird of prey. You can often see it flying above fields or sitting by the roadside. But what are the typical characteristics and behaviour patterns of the common buzzard? The film covers the biological classification of the common buzzard, its characteristics and behaviour. The origin of its name is explained just as the classic characteristics, by means of which the common buzzard can be identified. We can see the common buzzard in its natural habitat, learn something about its hunting methods and its prey. Spectacular pictures show carrion crows and magpies, which “mob” the common buzzard as a direct rival for food. The hunter becomes the hunted. The reproduction of the common buzzard is covered, too. We observe the buzzard couple during nest-building and breeding. We accompany the chicks when they train their flight muscles and make their first attempts at flying. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, this medium is perfectly suitable to get to know and appreciate our native common buzzard!

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Basics of Biology III

What is the importance and function of enzymes? The lock-and-key principle is explained and, based on amylase and katalase, the dependence of reaction speed and intensity of effect on temperature and pH-value can be seen. With microscopic pictures and graphs the structure of animal cells is explained. But their appearance is very different depending on their functions. Nerve cells differ from blood cells just like the latter from sperm cells. A tissue is a combination of many cells that perform specific functions in the body. Any kind of growth of an organism is only possible when new cells are created. The process of cell division is called mitosis. This is then differentiated from the multiplication of reproductive cells, as in them the number of chromosomes must be reduced to half. Impressive shots and graphs illustrate these processes. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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