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Das Grundgesetz ist seit 1949 die Verfassung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Der Film stellt die Entstehungsgeschichte und die wichtigsten Prinzipien unserer freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung vor. In zahlreichen Interviews, u.a. mit einem Richter am Bundesverfassungsgericht wird das Grundgesetz als Grundpfeiler in sich beständig ändernden Rahmenbedingungen veranschaulicht.

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Children’s Rights in Germany

25 years have passed since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted unanimously by almost all countries of the world.

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The Farm

This DVD offers some insight into the life on a farm today. In a way easily understandable for primary school pupils, the film shows with simple and tranquil pictures the daily work in an agricultural business. At the same time, a number of domestic animals are introduced to the children and they learn about their characteristics and lives as well as their use for us humans.The DVD covers the following aspects of the topic: Cows and cattle (modern milk production in the milking plant, cow-keeping on the pasture and in the cowshed, birth and rearing of the calves); pigs (pigs as productive livestock, characteristics, preferences, reproduction); poultry (free-ranging chicken, hatching of a chick, turkeys and geese as fat stock); horses and goats on the farm (information on these domestic animals, their use); small animals on a farm (cats, dog, bees, swallows); agricultural crops (types of cereal like wheat, barley and corn, tilling of the fields, transport and storage of hay using modern farming machines).The film is divided into six menu items (chapters). Each chapter can be individually accessed and worked on.

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Our Weather

In everyday life we are confronted with this topic on a daily basis. It is part of our lives. The weather determines our daily routine more than we tend to think. Children, in particular, have a lot of questions on the subject. How does the weather form? What different forms of clouds are there? How is a weather forecast made? Why does it rain? These are only a few of them. The film looks into these questions and answers them in terms and pictures suitable for young pupils. Looking to the future, the problems of climate change and greenhouse effect are also dealt with. In addition, the film conveys to the children how important it is to treat our earth with sensitivity. As a special bonus, this DVD offers fast-motion picture material from weather stations as well as satellite pictures made available by the German meteorological service, which can be accessed via the DVD menu. Together with the didactically arranged accompanying material, this DVD is perfectly suited for the classroom both as an introduction to the complex topic of the weather and as a tool in the hands of the pupils when working individually or preparing projects.

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Zins- und Prozentrechnen

Prozentrechnen ist eine wesentliche Kompetenz im Alltag – sei es, dass Wahlergebnisse in Prozenten dargestellt werden, sei es, dass ein prozentualer Nachlass gewährt wird oder der Lohn um einen Prozentsatz erhöht wird.

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States of Aggregation

It is winter. Snow and ice transform the landscape into a fairy tale scenery. At sub-zero temperatures, ice crystals form on branches and other objects. 

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Sobald die ersten Sonnenstrahlen kommen, sieht man sie hundertfach in Parks, in Vorgärten und auf dem Sportplatz. Die Rede ist von Frisbees.

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There is almost no other technical field in which such wide-reaching changes have taken place in recent years as in the field of communication. The film provides impressive evidence of the developments and advances of communication technology. The invention of radio technology, introducing a new era of the transmission of messages, is demonstrated as well as innovations in the field of radio broadcasting and eventually the propagandistic use of radio and television during the Third Reich. Efforts to transmit language are a topic of the film as well as the worldwide success of the telephone which led to the formation of telephone exchanges. The film concentrates just as much on a detailed presentation of the current situation as on a precise description of the bygone era. The advent of television developed by Becquerel, by Nipkow and Braun up to the transition from analog to digital TV broadcasting is made a subject of discussion. Earlier film footage adds to the authenticity and makes past aspects comprehensible. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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Preußen I

Was später Preußen genannt wurde, war zunächst ein geografischer Flickenteppich von kleinen Fürstentümern und Königreichen. Diese Ländereien miteinander zu verbinden, wurde das Ziel aller folgenden preußischer Herrscher.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Without doubt, after Alexander the Great, the world was not the same as before.

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Generation of 1968

The protest movements of 1968 were ignited all over the world – the existing order underwent a dramatic upheaval. Students and pupils of the entire world – no matter in which country, which culture – expressed their solidarity. And what they accomplished was great! The revolutions and achievements of this movement have changed the whole world. And it remains doubtful if there will ever be another “1968“!

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Ernesto Che Guevara

Che Guevara is the revolutionary fighter of the 20th century. His famous portrait can be seen everywhere on posters and T shirts. But who was Che Guevara? How did Ernesto Guevara de la Serna become the best-known revolutionist of contemporary history? Che is born in Rosario in Argentina as the son of a modern, educated couple. He attends high school and subsequently studies medicine.

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