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High-tech Locations
The satellite dishes of the first terrestrial communications site on German ground in Raisting near the Ammersee have been a symbol of high-tech in Bavaria for decades.
Learn moreBavaria
The free state of Bavaria is one of the most diverse states of the Federal Republic of Germany. Amidst the Alps with the Alpine Foothills and the Frankenwald and Lake Constance in the southwest, there are various regions that considerably differ from each other with regard to landscape as well as to economic basis. From a historical point of view, too, today’s Bavaria has evolved from individual states like the Duchy of Bavaria and several dioceses and free imperial cities like, for instance, Freising and Augsburg. Particularly interesting is the rise of the former agrarian state, which was to a large extent structurally weak, to one of the leading federal states in terms of economy and technology in the period from World War II until today. With its culture and numerous cultural treasures, Bavaria attracts tourists from all over the world, which contri- buted to the emergence of a service-oriented economy. Due to the modified, modular regional-studies approach, the DVD is suitable from the 5th to the 10th year of school.
Learn moreThe Danube
With a length of over 2,800 kilometres, the Danube is the second-largest river in Europe. The river, which is to become so mighty, starts out as a narrow brook with the confluence of both its headwater streams Breg and Brigach in Donaueschingen. Before reaching its river delta into the Black Sea, the Danube crosses ten riparian states. On its long way, past important towns and cities, across mountains, wild ravines and broad valleys, lined with forests, fields and vineyards, the Danube connects a plethora of different cultural, economic and living environments.
Learn moreSicherheitspolitik
Nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wuchsen rasch die Spannungen zwischen den beiden Weltmächten USA und UdSSR, die zur Schaffung der beiden Militärbündnisse NATO und Warschauer Pakt führten. Nach Ende des Kalten Krieges und der Auflösung des Warschauer Paktes veränderte sich die weltweite Sicherheitsarchitektur. Wie wichtig die NATO noch heute ist, zeigt die Bedrohung, die für Westeuropa nach dem russischen Einmarsch in der Ukraine entstanden ist.
Learn more25 Years of German Unity
After four decades of separation in the course of the East-West conflict, the unity of Germany was constitutionally restored on October 3, 1990. The Peaceful Revolution in the GDR and the willingness of the victorious powers of the Second World War enabled reunification. Special merits were earned by the then Chancellor Helmut Kohl as well as by the Soviet head of government Mikhail Gorbachev. Their negotiations were complicated but remained friendly – although the dissolution of its ally GDR signified a considerable loss of power for the Soviet Union at the time.
Learn moreProgramming
There are a lot of things in the world whose functioning and appearance were determined even before they are perceived or before they occur.
Learn moreSafety in Road Traffic
This DVD encourages children as young traffic participants to be considerate in road traffic to ensure safety and show social responsibility. It explains that in road traffic, children are especially exposed to danger and emphasises that above all, primary school children are confronted with a lot of novel and difficult situations. The film focuses on the following aspects of road training: Pedestrians in road traffic, seeing and being seen, being a car passenger, the bicycle as a means of transport, the blind spot, the safe bike, traffic signs and regulations, turning left, the bicycle test. This DVD preventively supports correct conduct in everyday road traffic in terms clearly understandable to children.
Learn moreKathetensatz des Euklid
Das Quadrat einer Kathete ist genauso groß wie das Produkt der Hypotenuse mit dem zugehörigen Hypotenusenabschnitt.
Learn morePhotovoltaics
Photovoltaics is the direct conversion of light energy into electrical energy. This principle is increasingly being used as a regenerative energy source - for this purpose, large-scale solar collectors are being installed on house roofs and on open spaces.
Learn moreParkour
Parkour ist eine recht junge Trendsportart, die Hindernisse in der alltäglichen Umgebung möglichst elegant überwindet.
Learn moreZünfte
Die Entstehung der Zünfte fällt ins Hochmittelalter und ist eng verbunden mit den Stadtgründungen.
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