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From time immemorial people have been fascinated by the sea. With the help of wood, papyrus or animal skin our forbears began to move on water. The history of shipping is inseparably associated with the history of human civilization. It offered new ways of transport for goods, merchandise and also people. It brought cultures together.
Learn moreMusical Instruments
Music is an important part of our lives as well as of human culture. By listening attentively, pupils will obtain a finer perception of their musical environment and its structure, which is to support them in finding out and cultivating their own preferences in music. Part of this is also to be able to experience, describe and classify musical instruments.
Learn moreJane Goodall
Jane Goodall is considered a pioneer among behavioral scientists in the world of chimpanzees. At the age of only 26, she began her work as a scientist in Tanzania, East Africa, in early 1960. She lives with free-ranging chimpanzees and provides insights into their social behavior and abilities. As founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, she has worked since 1986 to raise awareness and sustainability regarding the coexistence of humans, animals and the environment. The film provides insights into the life and work of Jane Goodall.
Learn moreWolf
Canis lupus, der Urahn der Haushunde, war einst auf nahezu der gesamten Nordhalbkugel heimisch, ehe er ab dem 15. Jahrhundert systematisch verfolgt und beinahe ausgerottet wurde.
Learn moreSingle-cell Organisms
The Earth is the only planet known to us where liquid water ─ the source of life ─ exists.
Learn moreMice, Small Rodents
Mice are found almost everywhere. The small agile rodents live in forests, meadows and fields but also in our very midst. They have long or short tails, big or small ears. Even if they differ on the outside, all of them have one thing in common: sharp incisors with which they gnaw their way through life. Not every animal called “mouse“, counts among the ”true mice“. The white-toothed shrew, a small, grey-coloured animal, is often found in settlement areas. Outwardly it looks very similar to a true mouse, its frenzied behaviour reminds of mice, too. Shrews, however, are not rodents but carnivores with sharp little teeth, which feed on worms, woodlice, insect larvae and other invertebrates. They are more closely related to the hedgehog or the mole than to mice.
Learn moreFish
This DVD offers a clearly structured overview of fish with an emphasis on the following aspects: The typical body build of fish and their adaptation to the water habitat are shown. The fish skeleton proves that they are vertebrates. Their sense organs (eyes, nose, barbels, lateral lines) are adjusted for survival in water. The skin is characterised by different kinds of scales. Free water fish, ground fish and surface fish are distinguished from each other by three typical mouth and body shapes. Locomotion in the water is made possible by different kinds of fins. Respiration through gills is a typical feature of fish. Herbivores possess typical characteristics distinguishing them from carnivores. Swarm fish and loners display different behaviour patterns. The film is divided into six menu items (chapters), which may be individually accessed and worked on. For this purpose, additional pictures, diagrams, texts or selected short film clips are offered, which can simply be called up by remote control.
Learn moreMicrocosm
We perceive the world we live in with our sense organs. However, perception with our senses represents only a limited part of the cosmos we live in. There is a world eluding the perception of our eyes. It exists hidden away for its cosmos is extremely small. The world of microcosm. This world is full of fascination and surprises. Up to the 1930s a deeper penetration into the microcosm was impossible. Only the invention of a new technology enabled us to render still smaller details of the microcosm visible to the human eye. A magnification of up to a thousandth millimetre has become possible. This film provides a profound insight into the microcosm. Rare pictures of mites, water bears and other creatures, made visible by means of various microscopes make the film an extraordinary experience. In addition, the DVD includes bonus material explaining the functions of the different microscopes with the help of diagrams. Due to the combination of the subjects of microcosm and microscopes, this DVD is perfectly suited for biology classes as well as physics lessons.
Learn moreFette und Öle
Das Verhältnis zu Fett ist zwiespältig. Die einen streichen es aus ihrer Ernährung, die anderen geben horrende Summen für kaltgepresstes Olivenöl und seltenes Arganöl aus, um gesunde Fette zu sich zu nehmen. Dabei braucht der menschliche Organismus Fett um richtig funktionieren zu können. "Schau dich schlau!" nimmt Öle und Fette wie Oliven- und Sonnenblumenöl, Butter und Margarine unter die Lupe und zeigt, warum unser Körper darauf angewiesen ist um seine volle Leistung bringen zu können. Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen wühlen sich durch den Ernährungsdschungel und entlarven typische Fettfallen. Von welchen Produkten sollte man die Finger lassen, weil sie viel fetter sind als wir annehmen? Je besser ein Gericht schmeckt, desto mehr Fett beinhaltet es in der Regel. Denn Fett ist ein Geschmacksverstärker. So zum Beispiel in Käse und Wurstsorten, aber auch in Gerichten wie Pommes oder Fischstäbchen, die frittiert werden. Um nicht auf diese Leckereien verzichten zu müssen, zeigt Fero Andersen wie man richtig frittiert und dabei nicht mehr Öl als nötig verwendet. Wer mit Fett brät, läuft bei falschem Umgang schnell Gefahr, eine Explosion oder einen Brand zu entfachen. Deshalb zeigt "Schau dich schlau!", wie sich dieses unnötige Risiko vermeiden lässt und wie – sollte der Fall doch eintreten – ein Fettbrand gelöscht werden kann.
Learn moreAngst und Phobien
Das Herz klopft, der Puls geht schneller, Schweiß bricht aus: Angst gehört zur „Grundausstattung“ unserer Gefühle, warnt uns vor gefährlichen Situationen und setzt unseren Körper in Alarmbereitschaft. So können wir instinktiv richtig reagieren, ohne groß nachzudenken. Angst ist ein Urinstinkt, der uns schützen soll.
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