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They are enormously rich in energy and easily penetrate the body but in spite of this, we can neither see nor feel them: X-rays work in secret.
Learn moreServer
Mit der Erfindung des Internets öffnen sich neue Wege der Kommunikation. Daten können in immer größer werdenden Mengen erstellt, transferiert und gespeichert werden. Doch erfordern diese Datenmengen eine neue Struktur und Organisation. Server sind darauf ausgerichtet große Datenmengen verwalten zu können.
Learn moreWind Energy
Our future lies in renewable energies. The fossil fuels coal, oil and gas will be used up within the next 50 to 300 years and are ecologically questionable just like nuclear energy, too. The sun, however, provides more energy than we need. Besides water power, sun light and bio mass, WIND ENERGY, most crucially, belongs to the renewable energies that have been used already for centuries. But what is wind? How was its energy generated, transformed and used in the past and how is this done today?
Learn moreHansa
Since the 11th century the population in Europe was growing. The reason for it was, among other things, an increase in agricultural production due to a good climate.
Learn moreAncient Greece
The age of antiquity ended over a thousand years ago, and yet, it surrounds us almost every day.
Learn moreRemembrance or Oblivion
The DVD provides an overview of the setting up of the concentration camps in the vicinity of Mühldorf on the Inn. Thousands of prisoners worked there from 1944 up to the end of World War II, building an arms bunker. It was planned as a production site for a jet plane that – as a wonder weapon – was believed to bring about the decisive turn-around in the war. The camp of Mettenheim and Forest Camp V were orga- nisationally linked to the main camp of Dachau as additional camps. The arms bunker was never completed, but blown up after the end of the war and now, as a ruin, reminds us of the „extermination through work“ associated with its construction. With the example of Mühldorf, the film documents how we can obtain information today on a long ignored part of our his- tory, how we can build memorials and remember the victims in a dignified way. Contemporary witnesses emphasise how important it is for the future to remember National Socialism. Our young people, who grow up in times of an ever-increas- ing temporal distance to the holocaust, must be warned against letting something similar happen again.
Learn moreApartheid
A new era began for South Africa when, in 1886, an out-of-work miner struck gold at the Witwatersrand in South Africa. The consequences of the discovery of the world’s largest natural treasure were dramatic. From all over the world speculators and adventurers flocked to the area. Scattered »gold fever« shanty towns mushroomed, which soon developed into modern concrete cities, though. The wealth created by the gold made South Africa grow into an industrial and financial power. Today, the economy of the country is the most important of the entire African continent. But there are many pitfalls. It is imperative to recognise them in order to confront the challenges of the future.
Learn morePeriodic Table
With the help of the periodic system chemists can predict properties of chemical elements and derive chemical reactions. But you need not be a chemist to understand the periodic system.
Learn moreNoble Gases
Xenon, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and the radioactive Radon belong to the noble gases. These form the family of noble gases as the elements of the eighth group of the periodic table. All of them are colourless and odourless, non-inflammable and non-toxic. Their most striking chemical property is their inertness. This can be explained by their electron arrangement, termed noble gas configuration and represents a particularly stable and therefore low-energy state. The noble gases are to be found in scant amounts in our air from which they are also distilled. Helium is mainly extracted from natural gas. In everyday life, we encounter noble gases for example as shielding, filling or buoyant gases and in fluorescent tubes. The shell model describes the structure of the atoms. It is based on the distribution of electrons in restricted areas at a fixed distance around the core of the atom.
Learn moreBallade
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe sah in der Ballade das „Ur-Ei der Dichtung“. Sie vereint Merkmale der drei Gattungen Lyrik, Epik und Dramatik in sich. Die ersten Balladen wurden im Mittelalter verfasst.
Learn moreADHS
Die ADHS, die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung gehört zur Gruppe der Störungen von Verhalten und Emotionen. Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, dass in jeder Klasse zwei bis drei Betroffene sitzen.
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