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Spiders evoke fear and disgust with many people. Spiders living in or near houses are often killed by humans or vacuumed away with their vacuum cleaners. But that does not need to happen! Spiders contribute to the biological balance by eating mosquitoes, flies and other pests. A world without spiders would be scary! The film covers in detail and explains the zoological classification of spiders, their characteristics, food and hunting techniques, their different habitats as well as reproduction and brood care. Spectacular shots of spiders make the film a thrilling experience and reveal what we have never seen before in the hidden world of spiders.

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Du bist nie allein

Schau dich schlau!“ begibt sich auf eine Reise in den Mikrokosmos unseres Körpers. Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen stellen einige der bizarren Kreaturen vor, die auf und in uns zu Hause sind. Sie analysieren den „Lebensraum Mensch“ und zeigen, dass auf zwei Quadratzentimetern unserer Haut mehr Mikroben leben als Menschen auf der Erde.

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Hunters and Hunted

The African night is not for sleeping. A lot is going on there. The hunters are lying in ambush and the preys are on alert. Predators are mammals. Scientifically they are called carnivores. But other predatory vertebrates such as cats, jackals, hyenas and crocodiles are colloquially termed »predators«. They feed on meat but are not very selective in doing so. As they are not specialised in one type of animal but eat all vertebrates as well as carrion, they are called opportunistic feeders, which means they target the food that is easiest for them to catch, in the shortest time and with minimum energy input.

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Mary is the major female figure in the Bible.

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CO2-Neutralität erreichen

CO2 ist ein natürlich vorkommendes Gas in der Atmosphäre, das im Rahmen eines Kreislaufs von Lebewesen produziert und in Pflanzen gebunden und wieder in Sauerstoff umgewandelt wird.

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The federal state of Brandenburg is located in eastern Germany and encloses the federal capital Berlin in its centre.

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A visit to the weekly market. Here they lie peacefully side by side: pears and apples from local regions next to exotic fruits such as kiwi, lychee, papaya and mango. What was an exotic rarity not so long ago is meanwhile offered throughout the whole year. So today there is a wide range of products from all over the world. The reason for this variety of products is what has become widely known under the term of globalisation.

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One of the small States of the Federal Republic of Germany is also represented in this film series. A turbulent history in a border situation between two power blocs, coal and steel, structural change, services and nanotechnology. Join us on a short trip through Saarland!

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The film starts with a short, simple overview of the importance of viticulture in Germany and Austria and the most famous wine regions in both countries. Then it goes on to discuss the most important conditions (soil, solar radiation) and forms of cultivation (terraces and vineyards on the plains) as well as the most widely spread types of grapes in Germany and Austria. In the main part of the film, pupils of a primary school accompany a wine-grower throughout the working year, watching him at work in the vineyard: form of the vine, work in winter (pruning, fruitbearing vines, substitute vines) turning cut-off vines into chaff, additional jobs (hammering in sticks, tightening wires, fastening fruit-bearing vines), removal of the earth from the grafting spots, pest control, cultivation of green manure crops, removal of surplus shoots, blossoming, weed removal, fighting nematodes (threadworms) biologically by cultivating daikon radish and, finally, harvesting. Apart from the manual harvest – where young and old people join in – also the use of harvesters is described.

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The UNO (United Nations Organization), in German the United Nations, is an international association with headquarters in New York. Since its founding in October 1945, its members have worked to maintain peace and security, respect for human rights and sustainable development.

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Capitalism is a global economic and social order, in which the means of production such as, for instance, buildings, farmland or technical facilities are in private ownership, and the control of economic activities is effected by the market.

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Currently There are 194 countries or states on our earth. Every state has its own state emblem, for example, a national flag. It is a symbol of the history of a country, of its situation or its culture.

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