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Slow Worm
The slow worm is a small, completely harmless lizard, which – contrary to its German name “Blindschleiche”– is perfectly able to see and is often mistaken for a snake because it has no legs and an elongated body. The German name is presumably derived from the Old High German word “Plintslicho”, which means “blinding sneaker”. This probably refers to the pretty, shining skin surface of the slow worm.
Learn moreMetabolic Disorder Diabetes
Big break in the school yard of the Freiherr vom Stein school. The pupils are talking or playing. Amidst them is Felix, twelve years old. He is always with them. Now it is necessary for him to measure his blood sugar because he has diabetes. The blood sugar level is permanently elevated in this disease.
Learn moreDie 5 Sinne
Wie selbstverständlich sehen, hören, riechen, schmecken und fühlen wir. Jeder benutzt täglich seine fünf Sinne, ohne sie bewusst einzusetzen. "Schau dich schlau!" untersucht in dieser Sendung, warum sie für uns überlebenswichtig sind und wie sie funktionieren.
Learn moreThe Beaver
Natural river and lake areas are becoming increasingly rare. With expensive measures to restore them to their natural state, efforts are being made to recreate them. Here, an animal may be helpful: the beaver. After it was exterminated in Germany in the 19th century, today about 15 000 specimens live here again thanks to the reintroduction of the beaver during the 1960s. Many people, however, have never caught sight of this shy nocturnal rodent, yet. The DVD first describes the beaver (in particular its adaptation to life in water) and zoologically classifies it. Then the beaver family and their social behaviour and habitat are introduced. The beaver constructions (beaver dam and beaver lodge) are illustrated as well as its territory and its purely vegetarian diet. Subsequently, both its extermination and its reintroduction as well as present-day problems are looked into. But primarily the film shows the beaver to be a valuable, natural architect of landscapes.
Learn moreBiodiversity
The exact numbers of plant and animal species on earth are unknown. What we do know, though, is that there is a dramatic decline in the variety of species mainly triggered by man. The "threats to biodiversity" as well as their causes are the topics of this film. It illustrates the reckless exploitation of the resources of the earth on land and in the oceans.
Learn moreGroundwater
When we open the tap, it gushes out: drinking water – clear and clean. It is our most important victual and can be replaced by NOTHING. On average every inhabitant of Germany consumes 125 litres every day! But where does our drinking water come from?
Learn moreMuslim Festivals
Meryem and Rabia at midday prayer with their parents. Normal daily routine for them because they belong to the almost five per cent of the German population who are of Muslim faith. They have, like most Christians, too, very special feasts, rituals and holidays. We are going to accompany them and other Muslim families on these festivals.
Learn moreMartin Luther King
Martin Luther King, born and raised in the household of a pastor, was one of the privileged blacks. He saw and experienced the injustice of social oppression and racism, which were particularly pronounced in the Southern States of the USA, and some of which are still lingering today. He called for demonstrations and civil disobedience and became the spokesman for the Civil Rights Movement of the USA: ”But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.“ In his famous speech Martin Luther King referred to the “inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” established in the American Declaration of Independence: ”I have a dream – I have a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream“, King announced his utopia of a just America amid tremendous applause from the crowd. In spite of the violent repressions of the demonstrations he remained an ardent proponent of nonviolent resistance, deeply impressed by Mahatma Gandhi and the Bible. In 1964, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Price. The film shows moving moments of the life and achievements of Martin Luther King up to his assassination. Together with the teaching material in the data section, the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreFreight Traffic
Most of us have probably ordered goods on the Internet at some point since online trade is perpetually booming. Amazon is one of the largest Internet retailers in the world. One click on the order button triggers a whole chain of transport services, most of which are invisible to us, apart from the DHL delivery service, which brings the ordered articles to our homes.
Learn moreThe Rhine – a Natural Area
At 1,230 km the Rhine is the second longest river in Western Europe. From its source in the canton of Graubünden in the Swiss Alps, it travels through Austria, Germany and empties into the North Sea in the Netherlands. The most important tributaries of the Rhine are the rivers Meuse, Main, Moselle and Neckar. The Rhine is one of the busiest and most important waterways in the world.
Learn moreLithuania
This DVD conveys to the pupils a comprehensive picture of the Baltic state of Lithuania. Topographical information on Lithuania is followed by an overview of its four regions, which are distinguished by their respective traditions, dialect and landscapes: Upper Lithuania, Lower Lithuania with the Memel Territory, the region of Sudovia and the region of Dzukija. The Lithuanian Baltic coast is the centre of tourism. Further, the DVD leaves a deep impression of the Hill of Crosses, which has been a world-famous place of pilgrimage for Catholics since it was visited by Pope John Paul II. Diverse pictures at- test to the sights of the capital of Vilnius and other cities. The DVD describes Lithuania’s protracted tug-of-war for indepen- dence and mentions the most important branches of industry as well as the country’s energy supply. The pupils also learn about the important role Lithuania plays as a transit country. Furthermore, they gain an insight into the Lithuanian way of life. This DVD shows the diversity and uniqueness of the EU member state of Lithuania and helps pupils to learn more about their European homeland.
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