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On 24 June 2016, a narrow majority of eligible voters in the UK voted to leave the EU, the so-called Brexit.
Learn moreEurope
According to many scientists, the beginnings of Europe go back to antiquity, and there specifically to the freedom and democracy of the Greeks. Others consider the foundations laid as late as in the Middle Ages. But the settlement of the area we call Europe today began far earlier. The key periods of our European history are to explain how Europe became what it is today.
Learn moreElectricity
How is the electricity generated with which we power our appliances in everyday life?
Learn moreYour Teeth
This DVD demonstrates that a regular and thorough brushing of your teeth is the foremost condition for their lifelong health. At the same time, pupils learn that food that doesn‘t damage their teeth is decisive, too, in keeping them healthy. Moreover, the film provides information in simple and comprehensible terms on the structure and function of the different kinds of teeth and the necessity of seeing a dentist regularly. The DVD focuses especially on the following aspects of the topic: oral cavity (different parts, bacteria, purposes of saliva); dentition (kinds of teeth and their properties and functions, outward structure, milk teeth, teething, dentition); structure (inner structure, milk tooth as a place-holder, sugar – the enemy of your teeth, caries, food); dental care (tools for cleaning your teeth, brushing techniques); the dentist (a look at a dentist‘s surgery, dental treatment).
Learn moreHöhensatz des Euklid
Der Film stellt in zahlreichen Animationen einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur pythagoreischen Geometrie vor: den Höhensatz des Euklid.
Learn moreGravity
Gravity is the force that pulls something to the ground. It ensures that everything falls downwards. Like every force, it has a direction, namely towards the centre of the celestial body. The film vividly shows the development of the law of gravity from Isaac Newton through the further development by Albert Einstein, who described that gravity not only causes bodies to attract each other, but also causes space to curve around a body. Space and time are no longer absolute, fixed quantities, but changeable.
Learn moreFreestyle-Fußball
Freestyle Fußball ist eine Variante des Fußballs, bei der es darum geht, den Ball mit allen Körperteilen außer den Händen möglichst lange und kunstvoll in der Luft zu halten. Die Tricks lassen sich alleine oder zu zweit durchführen.
Learn moreBionics
Humanity’s achievements in engineering have always been admired. This applies to antiquity’s Seven Wonders of the World as well as to the architectural masterpieces of modern times, such as the Eiffel Tower. The ideas of architects, physicians, mathematicians, chemists, engineers and technicians often have their origins in nature. Nature offers a huge reservoir of materials, which have proven their worth by permanent adaptation over millions of years. However, scientists do not just try to copy nature but strive to understand its principles and constructions and make them technically applicable in a modified way. Biology and technology have merged to the scientific discipline of BIONICS. Why can birds and insects fly? How do creatures live in the water without getting wet? Why is the blue morpho butterfly bright blue without the help of a colorant? Why is the lotus leaf always clean? Which building materials are there in nature? These and many more questions are answered in this DVD! Furthermore, the film gives a detailed illustration of how science implements and reconstructs nature’s ideas and makes them usable for us.
Learn morePreußen II
Dieser zweite Teil unserer Filmreihe über Preußen berichtet über die Politik des letzten preußischen Königs und späteren deutschen Kaisers Wilhelm I. Vom Aufstieg zum Deutschen Kaiserreich bis hin zu Preußens Untergang. Die Auflösung Preußens nach Ende des 2. Weltkrieges setzte einen Schlusspunkt unter eine Jahrhunderte alte wechselvolle Geschichte. Der Name Preußen ist untrennbar verbunden mit Aufklärung und Toleranz, verkörpert etwa in Friedrich dem Großen, verbunden aber auch mit Militarismus, Maßlosigkeit und Selbstüberschätzung Wilhelms II. Das Nachdenken über Preußen stand in den letzten Jahrzehnten im Schatten der hitzigen Debatten über die deutsche Geschichte.
Learn moreEgypt
Roughly from 3100 to 322 BC, one of the greatest and most powerful cultures of antiquity flourished in the Nile Valley.
Learn moreRulers, States, Regimes
About 150 years lie between the creation of these pictures: on the one hand, the absolute ruler of France Louis XIV, who reigned from 1643 to 1715 and on the other hand, George Danton and Maximilien Robespierre, two distinguished representatives of the French Revolution after 1789, who decided the fate of France. What had happened that the leaders of their country had themselves represented in such different ways? Here the radiant, glorious prince, clothed in precious robes, in front of a legendary background – there the plainly dressed men at their desks with pen and ink as attributes of the educated citizen.
Learn moreSecond World War I
When, on 1st September 1939, the German Wehrmacht unleashed the Second World War with the attack on Poland, nobody could have visualised what immense suffering and gigantic destruction would descend on mankind during the following six years. More than 57 million people, including almost 27 million Russians, paid for the German quest for world domination with their lives. Incited by populist ideas, almost an entire nation enthusiastically went to “all-out war”, thus plunging the world into the second great disaster of the 20th century. But shouldn’t people have known better considering that the First World War had only just been 21 years before?
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