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The face of our home planet is subjected to constant change. Mountains are created and eroded over time, oceans flood continental areas, glaciers assume gigantic proportions, modify landscapes and melt – all this happens mostly in very long geological periods of time. Far more spectacular and more comprehensible to humans in terms of time, however, are natural phenomena associated with magmatism, above all, when we encounter them in their most obvious manifestation, volcanism. These natural events that entail far-reaching changes on the surface of the earth, sometimes devastating destruction and high casualties, have impressed civilisations, inspired their imagination and often spread fear and terror from time immemorial. Let us look with wonder and awe at the following breath-taking pictures of volcanic eruptions. They spectacularly illustrate the huge, immeasurable forces hidden inside our earth. At the same time, these pictures make us aware how tiny and powerless we are ourselves.
Learn moreCzechia
This DVD offers a clearly structured overview covering the following aspects: Situation in Europe, size and population, landscapes (Bohe- mia, Moravia), mountains (Sudetes, Sudeten Mountains, Ore Mountains, Bohemian Forest), rivers (Elbe, Vitava), the climate, history (short overview, traffic, transport and infra- structure, economic structure (agriculture, industry, mining and energy supply), tourism, car industry (Skoda), breweries (Budweis, Pilsen), spas, important cities and sights, capital of Prague, traditions, language, education, food and drink, culture and music. High-quality film clips and aerial shots, animated maps, histo- rical film scenes as well as original sound interviews give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the Czech Republic and its people.
Learn moreBaden-Wuerttemberg
Baden-Wuerttemberg – The Federal States Baden-Wuerttemberg, the third largest federal state, is located in the southwest of Germany. Its landscape structure is highly diverse and offers such different nature areas as the Odenwald, the Spessart, the Upper Rhine Plain, the Black Forest and the Swabian Jura. Baden-Wuerttemberg, formerly divided into Baden and Wuerttemberg, has a long and turbulent history, which can be traced far back into the past. The federal state itself is not very old, it is the youngest federal state in Germany. Baden-Wuerttemberg counts among the economically strongest and most competitive regions of Europe. It is the exporting country number one among the federal states and is considered the most innovative region of the EU as far as high technology, research and development are concerned. Of particular interest for tourism are Baden-Wuerttemberg traditions, among them the typical Black Forest houses and the costumes with their ”Bollenhut“ hats. Together with the extensive additional material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreFreedom of Speech
In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly passed the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.
Learn moreDemocracy in Germany
Constantly we come across politics in our daily lives, we just do not realise it all the time! Politics does not always take place in full public view but also starts in small settings already, for example at school. The political system in Germany is based on the principles of democracy. That means there are free elections in Germany, an independent parliament and a separation of powers that act independently of each other.
Learn moreKnights
This DVD offers an insight into the life of knights in the 13th and 14th century of the Middle Ages. The film describes events in the lives of knights as well as life in the castle in a way that is clear and easy to understand for young pupils. The DVD covers the following subject areas: • The Middle Ages (Times of knights, emperors, kings, princes and counts) • Life in the Castle (castles and their location, livelihood, rooms, food) • Tournaments (medieval tournaments today, two knights fighting, dress rules) • Armour (protective attire for battle being subject to changes, coat of arms, weapons) • From Page to Knight (the difficult path of development of a knight’s son) • The Siege (attack and defence of a castle, weaponry) • End of the Time of Knights (robber-knights and their history)
Learn moreA wie Affe, B wie Bär
Wir, Tiere der Welt, manche groß, manche klein, laden dich ganz herzlich zu uns ein.
Learn moreX-Radiation
They are enormously rich in energy and easily penetrate the body but in spite of this, we can neither see nor feel them: X-rays work in secret.
Learn moreServer
Mit der Erfindung des Internets öffnen sich neue Wege der Kommunikation. Daten können in immer größer werdenden Mengen erstellt, transferiert und gespeichert werden. Doch erfordern diese Datenmengen eine neue Struktur und Organisation. Server sind darauf ausgerichtet große Datenmengen verwalten zu können.
Learn moreWind Energy
Our future lies in renewable energies. The fossil fuels coal, oil and gas will be used up within the next 50 to 300 years and are ecologically questionable just like nuclear energy, too. The sun, however, provides more energy than we need. Besides water power, sun light and bio mass, WIND ENERGY, most crucially, belongs to the renewable energies that have been used already for centuries. But what is wind? How was its energy generated, transformed and used in the past and how is this done today?
Learn moreHansa
Since the 11th century the population in Europe was growing. The reason for it was, among other things, an increase in agricultural production due to a good climate.
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