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The Human Heart

Our life is determined by our heart.

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Habitats in Human Hands

Forests, hedges, heathlands or colourful meadows are the epitome of unspoilt nature for us.

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Spiders evoke fear and disgust with many people. Spiders living in or near houses are often killed by humans or vacuumed away with their vacuum cleaners. But that does not need to happen! Spiders contribute to the biological balance by eating mosquitoes, flies and other pests. A world without spiders would be scary! The film covers in detail and explains the zoological classification of spiders, their characteristics, food and hunting techniques, their different habitats as well as reproduction and brood care. Spectacular shots of spiders make the film a thrilling experience and reveal what we have never seen before in the hidden world of spiders.

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Parasites are not a small group of organisms, as many believe. Parasitism is a specific mode of life in which one creature, a parasite, lives on another creature and feeds on it. Apart from well-known parasites such as ticks or bed bugs, also animals like the cuckoo or the ichneumon fly and plants, for example the mistletoe, live parasitically. With a lot of animations, recordings and microscope images the film illustrates how this ectoparasitic way of life evolves, to what extent the parasites deprive their hosts and what other living organisms engage in parasitism, too. Humans easily become hosts to parasites and the latter can transmit serious diseases. The malaria cycle and the danger of ESME are described and preventive measures that can be taken are shown.

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Indian Priests

Is there anything unusual about Father Xavier, a coloured missionary from India, working as a priest in Germany? The film begins with Xavier in his Indian home village where people Christianity is part of people’s everyday lives. Then we see him work as a chaplain in a community in Munich where he is faced with the situation of the Church in Germany: empty rows and mainly senior churchgoers. He learns that foreigners are not always welcomed with open arms. What does “mission” mean today? Has Germany become a place in need of missionary work? If there is a shortage of young priests in Germany, is it possible to simply invite young priests from other cultures, from the churches of Asia, Africa and Latin America to come here? Are they bringing the message they once received from missionaries back to Europe? Does evangelisation now take place the other way round?

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A visit to the weekly market. Here they lie peacefully side by side: pears and apples from local regions next to exotic fruits such as kiwi, lychee, papaya and mango. What was an exotic rarity not so long ago is meanwhile offered throughout the whole year. So today there is a wide range of products from all over the world. The reason for this variety of products is what has become widely known under the term of globalisation.

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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview covering the following aspects: Situation in Europe, size and population, landscapes (Bohe- mia, Moravia), mountains (Sudetes, Sudeten Mountains, Ore Mountains, Bohemian Forest), rivers (Elbe, Vitava), the climate, history (short overview, traffic, transport and infra- structure, economic structure (agriculture, industry, mining and energy supply), tourism, car industry (Skoda), breweries (Budweis, Pilsen), spas, important cities and sights, capital of Prague, traditions, language, education, food and drink, culture and music. High-quality film clips and aerial shots, animated maps, histo- rical film scenes as well as original sound interviews give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the Czech Republic and its people.

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Tibet, the so-called »Roof of the World«, is a vast highland in Central Asia. Hidden behind huge mountain ranges, the highest plateau of earth together with its inhabitants, the Tibetans, is little known to the rest of the world. The »country of the snow lion«, as the historical Tibet is also called, is comprised of the three big provinces Ü-Tsang, Kham and Amdo and several smaller ones encompassing an area of 2.5 million square kilometres. China, however, incorporated all of Amdo and large parts of Kham into the adjacent Chinese provinces. The remaining area was given the name »Tibet Autonomous Region«.

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Die Gründe, warum Menschen aus ihrer Heimat fliehen, sind vielfältig. Ob Krieg, politische oder religiöse Verfolgung, Hunger oder Armut – letztlich ist die Situation für alle Menschen, die sich auf die Flucht begeben, in ihrer Heimat derart hoffnungslos und verzweifelt, dass sie sich ein würdiges Leben nur noch in der Fremde vorstellen können.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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"At night all cats are black." – all of you will probably know this figure of speech. Light is involved or rather a situation where little light is available.

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A battery is a portable source of chemical energy, which is converted to electrical energy as soon as the battery is placed in a circuit. The main principle is the same in almost all batteries. A metal that forms the negative terminal is opposite a positive terminal. The positive terminal is also called anode, the negative terminal cathode. Between the two terminals there is an electrically conductive liquid, the so-called electrolyte. As soon as a battery is placed in a circuit, positive and negative terminals are connected via an external contact and electrolysis takes place. On the way, a current flows from anode to cathode

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Sigmund Freud I

On 6th May 1856 Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born in Freiberg, a small town in Moravia. His parents, the forty-one year old Jewish wool merchant Kallamon Jacob Freud and Amalia, née Nathansohn, who was 20 years his junior, had seven more children together, and his father had two sons from previous marriages. “My parents were Jews, I have also remained a Jew”, Sigmund Freud later wrote in his autobiography. Quote from Sigmund Freud: “Incidentally, why was it that none of all the pious people ever discovered psycho¬analysis? Why did the world have to wait for a completely godless Jew?”

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