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Vegane Ernährung
Familie Böhning lebt seit zwei Jahren vegan. Auch unsere Reporterin versucht, „Vegan“ in ihr Leben einzubinden. Der Film begleitet sie und Familie Böhning im Alltag, stellt Fragen und zeigt Probleme.
Learn moreAltersarmut
Innerhalb von 52 Jahren hat sich in der Bundesrepublik das Verhältnis von Beitragszahlern für die Rente zu den bestehenden Rentnern um den Faktor 3 verschlechtert. Sind 1962 noch 6 Erwerbstätige für die Rentenzahlung eines Rentners aufkommen, so mussten 2014 zwei Erwerbstätige für die Rentenzahlung von einem Rentner aufkommen. Die Altersarmut in Deutschland steigt. Denn nur wer 40 Jahre ohne Unterbrechung mindestens 2.100 € verdient hat, bekommt als Rente mehr als den Hartz-IV-Satz ausgezahlt. Beschäftige im Niedriglohnsektor oder in Teilzeit können selbst nach 45 Jahren Arbeit nicht von ihrer Rente leben. Vielen Rentnern bleibt nur der entwürdigende Weg zum Arbeitsamt.
Learn moreHasstiraden gegen Andersdenkende
"Zeit für Helden – Und was machst Du?" schafft Aufklärung rund um die Themen Diskriminierung, Rassismus, Vorurteile und Zivilcourage.
Learn moreMobile Learning II
Oh, what’s that? Original soundtrack Thissen: “As our children grow up in a media world and naturally handle the media, they should also be a topic in school.“ An older child says the point is that they don’t just load down apps but create things themselves that haven’t existed so far. Hi, I’m Jana. A propeller hat. I’ll put it on. Now I’m no longer a simple rhino, but a flying rhino. Original soundtrack Thissen: “It’s exactly the great flexibility of tablets that promotes very personalised and adapted learning.” Original soundtrack Welzel: “It’s fascinating to see how the children grow with their products and how they always want to improve them.” The Westminster Abbey is a church in London for the royal family. Original soundtrack Welzel: “And?“ They think it is ok.
Learn moreChess
Whether for professionals or beginners, whether leisure-time activity or hard struggle for championship medals – chess is fun! 550 million people worldwide play chess but only very few of them really reach world-class level.
Learn moreKunst der Moderne
Von der klassischen Moderne zur Gegenwartskunst. Was zeichnet diese Kunst aus? Um Kunst zu verstehen, muss man zunächst einen Zugang zu ihr finden, vielen Menschen fällt dies nicht leicht. Der Kuratorin Annika Schoemann ist unter anderem zuständig für die öffentliche Kunstvermittlung. Sie nimmt uns mit in zwei Museen für Moderne Kunst, in Galerien und zu aktiven Künstlern.
Learn moreNeanderthal Man
For 250,000 years the Neanderthal dominated Europe during the last glacial period until he died out about 30,000 years ago.
Learn moreEvolution
Of all mammals existing today, the primates have the oldest phylogenetic tree. This film shows on the basis of extant species of the order of primates, which we humans also belong to, the phylogenetic tendencies in evolution from the treeshrew to prosimians, monkeys and apes to the genus homo. Special emphasis is laid on the visible outward characteristics of the skull and its sense organs, changes in the position of the spinal column as well as the development of extremities and their adaptation to various habitats. Changes in the anatomy of the skull, the development of the eye socket and also the shifting of the eyes from the sides to the front position, the dental structure and development of the jaw bones and the changing proportions of the mandible skeleton and the brain case are demonstrated on genuine skulls. The film analyses in detail the evolutionary tendencies of primates and convincingly answers the question on the origins of their development.
Learn moreBasics of Biology III
What is the importance and function of enzymes? The lock-and-key principle is explained and, based on amylase and katalase, the dependence of reaction speed and intensity of effect on temperature and pH-value can be seen. With microscopic pictures and graphs the structure of animal cells is explained. But their appearance is very different depending on their functions. Nerve cells differ from blood cells just like the latter from sperm cells. A tissue is a combination of many cells that perform specific functions in the body. Any kind of growth of an organism is only possible when new cells are created. The process of cell division is called mitosis. This is then differentiated from the multiplication of reproductive cells, as in them the number of chromosomes must be reduced to half. Impressive shots and graphs illustrate these processes. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreIslam
Like Christians and Jews, Muslims believe in only one God. Today about four million Muslims
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