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Showered with superlatives, Venice is doubtlessly an out- standing city, welcoming up to 15 million tourists annually. But despite the powerful magic it radiates, the city is confronted with seemingly overwhelming problems. Hence, detractors keep talking about a dying city. Is Venice then really the At- lantis of our time? The film published here first of all provides a survey of the most important geographic data of the lagoon city and looks into the question why more than one thousand years ago people settled in this inhospitable environment. The immense wealth of the former maritime republic can still be imagined when looking at the sumptuous architecture of many of its buildings. The DVD examines the various causes responsible for the rise of Venice to the dominating merchant power of the whole Mediterranean region during the Middle Ages. And why did the city lose its importance afterwards? As a special highlight of this DVD, we have included a film on Venice dating back to 1968. The two films are excellently suited for comparison, on the one hand with respect to the city‘s historic development, on the other hand in view of its respective treatment on film.
Learn moreIstanbul
In the southeasternmost corner of Europe, at the border to Asia, in the metropolis of Istanbul continents, cultures and religions meet. The film provides an insight into the topography and history of Istanbul. The great mosques, palaces and other historically significant monuments, some of them converted into museums, are described in detail. The economic importance of Istanbul, with its economic and financial sectors as well as the retail trade of the bazaars is another topic of the film. The confusing infrastructure of Istanbul, the division of the city into two parts and the resulting culture and transport conditions are dealt with. Istanbul life is characterised by tradition and modernity. Kemal Atatürk is considered the founder of the modern Turkey of today and his memory is cherished to this day. The bonus section gives an account of Atatürk’s life and reforms. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.
Learn more25 Years of German Unity
After four decades of separation in the course of the East-West conflict, the unity of Germany was constitutionally restored on October 3, 1990. The Peaceful Revolution in the GDR and the willingness of the victorious powers of the Second World War enabled reunification. Special merits were earned by the then Chancellor Helmut Kohl as well as by the Soviet head of government Mikhail Gorbachev. Their negotiations were complicated but remained friendly – although the dissolution of its ally GDR signified a considerable loss of power for the Soviet Union at the time.
Learn moreStochastik 1
Die Stochastik, zu Deutsch: die Kunst des Vermutens – auch Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung genannt – ist für die meisten Schüler und Schülerinnen ein ungemein schwieriges Kapitel der Mathematik, da die so oft in der Praxis angewendete Intuition hierbei nicht selten versagt.
Learn moreCommunication
There is almost no other technical field in which such wide-reaching changes have taken place in recent years as in the field of communication. The film provides impressive evidence of the developments and advances of communication technology. The invention of radio technology, introducing a new era of the transmission of messages, is demonstrated as well as innovations in the field of radio broadcasting and eventually the propagandistic use of radio and television during the Third Reich. Efforts to transmit language are a topic of the film as well as the worldwide success of the telephone which led to the formation of telephone exchanges. The film concentrates just as much on a detailed presentation of the current situation as on a precise description of the bygone era. The advent of television developed by Becquerel, by Nipkow and Braun up to the transition from analog to digital TV broadcasting is made a subject of discussion. Earlier film footage adds to the authenticity and makes past aspects comprehensible. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreJohn F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy married the 34-year-old Jacqueline Bouvier. Now they have two children, Caroline, 5, and John-John, 2. The presidential aircraft Air Force One is flying over Texas in the direction of Dallas Airport. The State of Texas is traditionally a conservative Republican stronghold. Kennedy’s fight for civil rights, his liberal domestic policies as well as the orientation of his international politics displease the conservative elites of the Texan metropolis. For them, Kennedy is a friend of the communists and “nigger lover”. The 46-year-old John F. Kennedy is the youngest president of the United Sates and the first Catholic one. Over the past three years, Kennedy has led the United States into the most significant economic boom in the country’s history. The President has the protective roof of the car removed in which he is driven through the streets of Dallas on November 22, 1963 so that people can see him better. Roughly 250,000 people are lining the streets and cheering for him. In the just over thousand days as president, Kennedy has become famous. He represents a new era. The President’s convoy is moving through the centre of Dallas. Slowly, they are passing the building which is used as a depository for school books. Three shots are fired. A person was seen fleeing the book depository. It is 1 pm. 30 minutes have passed since the attack. President Kennedy is declared dead. He was the youngest president ever elected... and he died the youngest.
Learn moreDictatorships in the 20th Century II
Nobody could trust his colleagues, his friends, even his own family any more. An entire nation was brutally oppressed, spied out and exposed to any conceivable form of despotism. Until Joseph Stalin died on 5th March 1953, these facts were the bitter reality of the Soviet citizens’ everyday life. This despot used his absolute power to wage war against his own people for decades.
Learn moreWasserstoff
Wasserstoff ist das häufigste Element im Universum. Auf der Erde ist der Wasserstoff größtenteils in Verbindung mit Sauerstoff im Wasser gebunden.
Learn moreMonetary System
For many hundreds of years, means of payment have been used for the exchange of goods. Initially, shells, silver or gold were offered as payment. Today money still fulfils the same purpose, but its form and complexity have changed profoundly.
Learn moreFascination Lime
Many products used in everyday life are impossible without lime. These are, among others, glass, sugar, paper as well as pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. The raw material is also indispensable in the construction materials industry. Iron and steel producers need limestone, in environmental protection it is used, for example, for air cleaning and drinking water purification.
Learn moreWerte und Normen in Deutschland
Dieser sprachlose Animationsfilm zeigt in leicht verständlichen Bildern in Alltagssituationen die Werte und Normen in Deutschland. Für Erwachsene und Kinder, welche neu in unsere für sie fremde Gesellschaft kommen und (noch) nicht unsere Sprache sprechen oder verstehen. Werte und Normen werden anschaulich auch ohne Sprachkenntnisse schnell vermittelt. Durch die Unterteilung des Filmes in sinnvolle Sequenzen (Gleichberechtigung, Meinungsfreiheit, Religionsfreiheit, Schulbildung, gewaltfreie Erziehung) können die einzelnen Themengebiete aufbereitet, diskutiert und vertieft werden. Als weitere Ergänzung kann der auf DVD und Online verfügbare Film „Werte und Normen in Deutschland – Mit und von Flüchtlingen“ in vier Sprachen“ (auch in Hocharabisch und Englisch) eingesetzt werden.
Learn moreCamp für Brandopfer
Wie gehen Menschen damit um, wenn sie, beispielsweise durch einen schweren Unfall, große und sichtbare Narben im Gesicht und am Körper davongetragen haben? Was tun, wenn das alte Leben schlagartig vorbei ist? Wenn viele Menschen gar nichts mehr mit einem zu tun haben wollen?
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