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Humanity’s achievements in engineering have always been admired. This applies to antiquity’s Seven Wonders of the World as well as to the architectural masterpieces of modern times, such as the Eiffel Tower. The ideas of architects, physicians, mathematicians, chemists, engineers and technicians often have their origins in nature. Nature offers a huge reservoir of materials, which have proven their worth by permanent adaptation over millions of years. However, scientists do not just try to copy nature but strive to understand its principles and constructions and make them technically applicable in a modified way. Biology and technology have merged to the scientific discipline of BIONICS. Why can birds and insects fly? How do creatures live in the water without getting wet? Why is the blue morpho butterfly bright blue without the help of a colorant? Why is the lotus leaf always clean? Which building materials are there in nature? These and many more questions are answered in this DVD! Furthermore, the film gives a detailed illustration of how science implements and reconstructs nature’s ideas and makes them usable for us.

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Charles de Gaulle

Charles André Marie Joseph de Gaulle was born on 22nd November 1890 to a patriotic, Catholic family in Lille. His father, Henri de Gaulle, a professor for literature and history, had a strong influence on him. Young Charles received a solid classical education from the Jesuits and Augustinians and decided upon a military career. In 1908, he was admitted to the officers’ school of Saint-Cyr, which he left in 13th place in 1912.

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First World War

First World War – A European Catastrophe Even though countless armed conflicts had shaken mankind in the course of its history, it was the First World War that surpassed with its 17 million casualties and immense damage anything that had ever been experienced before. DVD 1 tries to investigate the question where to find the causes for the First World War. Starting with the foundation of the German Reich and its foreign policy, the alliance systems are explained. Also the importance of the colonies as raw materials and sales markets are shown. Germany was the economic powerhouse in Europe thus shaking its balance of power. What were the aims of the individual Great Powers? What were the chances when the war broke out in 1914 in view of the balance of power among the alliances? DVD 2 shows the fronts, meanwhile hardened, between the Central Powers and the Allies from 1915-1918. It becomes clearly visible what horrors modern warfare entailed and how radically the role of the individual soldier on the battlefield changed. Together with the extensive additional material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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Chinese State Capitalism

The economy of a state can be organised along different lines.

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Vegane Ernährung

Familie Böhning lebt seit zwei Jahren vegan. Auch unsere Reporterin versucht, „Vegan“ in ihr Leben einzubinden. Der Film begleitet sie und Familie Böhning im Alltag, stellt Fragen und zeigt Probleme.

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Innerhalb von 52 Jahren hat sich in der Bundesrepublik das Verhältnis von Beitragszahlern für die Rente zu den bestehenden Rentnern um den Faktor 3 verschlechtert. Sind 1962 noch 6 Erwerbstätige für die Rentenzahlung eines Rentners aufkommen, so mussten 2014 zwei Erwerbstätige für die Rentenzahlung von einem Rentner aufkommen. Die Altersarmut in Deutschland steigt. Denn nur wer 40 Jahre ohne Unterbrechung mindestens 2.100 € verdient hat, bekommt als Rente mehr als den Hartz-IV-Satz ausgezahlt. Beschäftige im Niedriglohnsektor oder in Teilzeit können selbst nach 45 Jahren Arbeit nicht von ihrer Rente leben. Vielen Rentnern bleibt nur der entwürdigende Weg zum Arbeitsamt.

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Hasstiraden gegen Andersdenkende

"Zeit für Helden – Und was machst Du?" schafft Aufklärung rund um die Themen Diskriminierung, Rassismus, Vorurteile und Zivilcourage.

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Mobile Learning II

Oh, what’s that? Original soundtrack Thissen: “As our children grow up in a media world and naturally handle the media, they should also be a topic in school.“ An older child says the point is that they don’t just load down apps but create things themselves that haven’t existed so far. Hi, I’m Jana. A propeller hat. I’ll put it on. Now I’m no longer a simple rhino, but a flying rhino. Original soundtrack Thissen: “It’s exactly the great flexibility of tablets that promotes very personalised and adapted learning.” Original soundtrack Welzel: “It’s fascinating to see how the children grow with their products and how they always want to improve them.” The Westminster Abbey is a church in London for the royal family. Original soundtrack Welzel: “And?“ They think it is ok.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Whether for professionals or beginners, whether leisure-time activity or hard struggle for championship medals – chess is fun! 550 million people worldwide play chess but only very few of them really reach world-class level.

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Kunst der Moderne

Von der klassischen Moderne zur Gegenwartskunst. Was zeichnet diese Kunst aus? Um Kunst zu verstehen, muss man zunächst einen Zugang zu ihr finden, vielen Menschen fällt dies nicht leicht. Der Kuratorin Annika Schoemann ist unter anderem zuständig für die öffentliche Kunstvermittlung. Sie nimmt uns mit in zwei Museen für Moderne Kunst, in Galerien und zu aktiven Künstlern.

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Neanderthal Man

For 250,000 years the Neanderthal dominated Europe during the last glacial period until he died out about 30,000 years ago.

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