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Picture Analysis

Picture analysis is a reliable method of revealing the secrets of works of art. Let us take for example the portrait of a child. There would have been innumerable ways of depicting the child but the painter painted it specifically the way he did and not otherwise. Why? What did he want to express? And what painter’s tricks did he use in doing so? It is worthwhile examining the picture in detail to unravel the message of this work, after all, the painter invested a lot of time and effort in it. Those who occupy themselves intensively with a work of art do not only learn more about the artists’ technical subtleties. In the process, they also go on a journey back through time, to forgotten customs and habits. It is a dive into the everyday lives of our forebears, their wishes and dreams.

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Biotechnology III

Biotechnological knowledge and applications can be divided into several subareas. For easy orientation and distinction, the respective fields have been assigned a specific colour. The second part of this biotechnology series covered red biotechnology, which is the medical field. In this part, green biotechnology, which refers to agriculture, white (industrial) biotechnology and grey biotechnology, which refers to environmental protection, are dealt with.

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Large Herbivores

For a long time it was believed that, thousands of years ago, Central Europe was covered with almost uninterrupted primeval forests.

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The White Stork

People have always found the white stork fascinating. It is a large, conspicuous bird, which exposes itself to human curiosity by the choice of its nesting places, therefore people tend to assign meaning to its behaviour. Today, the white stork is still believed to bring good luck. The film covers the characteristics of white storks, their appearance and behaviour as well as the order of Ciconiiformes. The habits of the white storks, their habitats and migration routes are shown in the film, too. In the Reproduction Chapter, we can see interesting pictures of hatching chicks and their first attempts at flying. The DVD includes first-grade bonus material on the bird migration research carried out by the Max Planck Research Centre for Ornithology headed by Peter Berthold. The white stork’s cultural significance and myths told about it as well as the ties between countries, which are strengthened by the “European Stork Villages”, are covered, too. The bonus material is only available in German and adds approximately 14 minutes to the film.

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Ecosystem Bog

Bogs are rough, sparse and inaccessible regions, neither water nor land. This applies in particular to raised bogs. One wrong step in this soaking wilderness might be fatal. How a bog is formed was unknown to people for thousands of years. After the last ice age, that is about 10,000 years ago, bog formation began. Enormous amounts of water were released as a consequence of the melting of the ice shields.

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World Religions

Since humanity has existed, people have been concerned with the question of the origin of life, how it goes on after death and what the essence of a person's life is. People have always expressed the hope that they are not left alone in their existence and that there is a higher reason that gives them life, protects it and eventually preserves it.

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High-tech Locations

The satellite dishes of the first terrestrial communications site on German ground in Raisting near the Ammersee have been a symbol of high-tech in Bavaria for decades.

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This DVD offers a clearly structured overview covering the following aspects: Situation in Europe, size and population, regions (Alps, Dinar Mountains, Pannonian Plain, Mediterranean coast), mountains (Julian Alps, Dinar Mountains, Karawanken), landscapes of particular interest (karst mountains, caves, Grottos of Adelsberg, “poljes”, Lake of Cerknica), rivers (Drava, Mur), the climate, history (overview up to today’s form of government, Yugoslavia, Declaration of Independence in 1991), traffic and infrastructure, economic structure, commerce, industrial products (Elan, Revoz-Renault, Gorenje), agriculture, Lipizzaner horses, mining and energy supply, tourism, important cities (Maribor, Celje, Koper), sights, seaside resorts, capital of Ljubljana, traditions, food and drink, language, education, culture and music. High-quality film clips and aerial shots, animated maps, historical film scenes as well as original sound interviews give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the country and its people.

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Green Tourism

Whereas a few decades ago many countries on this earth could be reached under the most difficult conditions only, an unlimited number of travel destinations all over the world are open to people today. Package tours, long-haul flights even to the most distant regions, are available to almost anyone willing to travel.

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Politics of the USA

The United States of America. The nation’s political power is centred around the Capitol in the capital Washington D.C. This block encompasses the most important government buildings. Under the dome of Congress, both parliaments of the federal government are housed.

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They are enormously rich in energy and easily penetrate the body but in spite of this, we can neither see nor feel them: X-rays work in secret.

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Source of Energy

Energy determines our lives. Without energy, plants, animals and humans would not be able to live. Without energy, there would be no movement. But what is energy? Where does it come from and how is it used – yesterday, today, tomorrow? The DVD provides an illustrative introduction into the highly topical issue of energy. Starting with the human perception, it leads us to the cosmic primal source, the huge fusion power plant above our heads – to the sun. In doing so, it explains how energy reaches the Earth and is used here in different ways by plants, animals and humans. The physics part clears up the terms work, power and degree of efficiency. The DVD shows what conversion losses occur in the process from primary energy to useful energy, of course including the clarification that energy can neither be generated nor lost in a physical sense. The ecological, economic and social sustainability is discussed. This way, it is made clear that only Renewable Energy – thus energy from the Sun – can secure our future.

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