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Der Film zeigt die potenziell verheerenden Folgen von Jugendgewalt am Beispiel des 25-jährigen Christoph, der 2007 das Opfer einer brutalen Attacke aus Eifersucht geworden ist.
Learn moreCivil Courage
Civil courage concerns us all! Everyone may fall victim to violent assault.. Violence is expressed not only physically but also psychologically. It can lead to severe physical and mental damage for the victim.
Learn moreVilla Rustica
A Roman villa is fundamentally different from what we would regard as a villa in the modern sense. A Villa Rustica was a country estate with a mansion, large gardens and agricultural land. In addition to cultivating the fields, people also bred animals. This work was done by farm labourers and slaves, who mostly lived in outbuildings outside the mansion area. Thus a Roman villa was far more than just a building, it was almost a small village. Over centuries a network of Roman country estates had marked the culture of the empire north of the Alps. With the cultivation of the soil, the trade and exchange of goods, the Villa Rustica was a pillar of the Roman Empire.
Learn moreHuman Liver
Normally you do not feel it, it does not beat like the heart, neither can we feel it like the lungs when we breathe in and out – nevertheless, it is one of our most important organs: the liver.
Learn moreBiotope: Gravel Pit
The forest has been cleared, the bridge is already in place, too. Only the road surface is missing.
Learn moreEcosystem Forest
The forest – it is not only a collection of trees but a dynamic symbiosis of many different plants and animals. Their com- plex interdependence forms the basis of the ecosystem. DVD 1: Temperate Climes DVD 1 describes the structure and chain of aspects in the de- ciduous mixed forest typical of temperate climes. The various layers (herb layer, brush layer, canopy) are presented with their respective characteristics. The film describes the natural development of the ecosystem forest, compares natural forest and commercial forest and looks critically into human interference. DVD 2: Animals and Plants DVD 2 initially concentrates on the natural development of the forest (natural rejuvenation, succession, climax vege- tation). It then goes on to focus on the forest dwellers and their interrelations. The whole range of animals and plants is presented: from fungi and insects to birds and bats.
Learn moreMute Swan
Swans are an ornament to our waters. The majestic birds with their snow-white plumage are considered the very epitome of beauty and purity. Not every swan, however, is white. It is the Mute Swan that has inspired people’s imagination for ages. Seemingly an old acquaintance, it has nevertheless a great many unknown features for us to discover.
Learn moreSaarland
One of the small States of the Federal Republic of Germany is also represented in this film series. A turbulent history in a border situation between two power blocs, coal and steel, structural change, services and nanotechnology. Join us on a short trip through Saarland!
Learn moreSüdkorea
Durch die Wahl des Austragungsortes der Olympischen Winterspiele 2018 rückt Südkorea - das Land der Morgenstille - in den Fokus der Öffentlichkeit.
Learn moreCapitalism
Capitalism is a global economic and social order, in which the means of production such as, for instance, buildings, farmland or technical facilities are in private ownership, and the control of economic activities is effected by the market.
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