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Produkte des Alltags

Gut verpackt ist halb verkauft. Je kreativer, bunter und ansprechender Produkte verpackt sind, desto besser lassen sie sich verkaufen. Laut aktuellen Studien trifft ein Käufer seine Entscheidung in nur 1,6 Sekunden. Und dabei lässt er sich meistens von Größe, Farbe, Design und dem Namen des Produkts leiten. Der Inhalt wird bei der Kaufentscheidung oft zur Nebensache. In dieser neuen Folge von "Schau Dich schlau!" erklären Joey Grit Winkler und Fero Andersen neben psychologisch präzise ausgefeilten Verkaufsstrategien auch die Herkunft der bekanntesten Markennamen. Psychologen haben herausgefunden: Sehen wir etwas Rotes, Gelbes oder Orangenes, bekommen wir automatisch Appetit. Fällt unser Blick auf etwas Grünes oder Blaues, denken wir an Sauberkeit und Frische. Von einem Experten wird Joey Grit Winkler in die Geheimnisse der Verpackungswelt eingeführt und lässt sich erklären, woher die bekanntesten Markennamen kommen. Währenddessen taucht Fero Andersen in die Materie ein und analysiert, ob in den Verpackungen auch immer das drin steckt, was drauf steht. Muss Schwarzwälder Schinken aus dem Schwarzwald stammen? Oder genügt es, wenn der Schinken lediglich im Schwarzwald geräuchert wurde, das Fleisch aber aus Dänemark stammt? "Schau Dich schlau!" klärt über diese und andere wichtige und interessante Verbraucherfragen auf.

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Literature after 1945

The Second World War, triggered by the National Socialists, began with the German invasion of Poland on 1st September 1939. Six years later, half the world was lying in ruins, 60 to 70 million people had lost their lives on the battle fields in Europe, Africa and Asia. Entire landscapes had become uninhabitable.

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Wenn Jugendliche sich zu Erwachsenen entwickeln, merken sie schnell, dass sie auch im täglichen Umgang mit ihren Mitmenschen zunehmend nach anderen Maßstäben beurteilt werden als zuvor. Besonders bei der Partnersuche gelten seit jeher ganz spezielle Spielregeln.

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It can happen to anyone – of any age, in any place, at any time. Sudden cardiac arrest may quickly prove fatal. Immediate action is called for! Just remember: Check Call Press Anyone can do it. You can't do anything wrong!

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Product Piracy

Counterfeiting takes place in almost all economic sectors – textiles, watches, car parts, machine parts, tools, accessories, software and medicines. Some counterfeits are easy to recognise, others are so well-executed that even experts have difficulty distinguishing between original and imitation. This DVD covers the development of a product from idea to manufacture. Once a product has become a trademark, product pirates appear on the scene.

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Music as a Commodity

Music has become a permanent feature of our lives. No radio station, no TV station, no department store, no restaurant does without using music. Music accompanies your every step. Music is a special language that conveys feelings and moods and has an animating effect. Influencing you unconsciously, it is to encourage you to buy things or helps you to recognise particular programmes or brands. In radio programmes, music is the most important part, which decides on the revenue and market share of the broadcast station.

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Genetics means something like genealogy, origin and, in contemporary terminology, also the study of inheritance.

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The enormous size of the jaws and the frightening teeth of sharks have always attracted people's interest. Horrifying news of attacks on humans did the rest – "Jaws“: Steven Spielberg turned this best seller by Peter Benchley into a world-famous film. The story, published in 1974, is based on true events. In the 1960s, sharks were often spotted off America's coasts and the press was generous with reports often so scary that fear was fuelled. One day, as a shark stranded, it was a unique opportunity for the crowd of perplexed swimmers to observe the supposedly terrible monster at close range. Watching living sharks from special protective cages is a popular albeit expensive tourist attraction. It is an unforgettable experience to watch and photograph a shark swimming freely and gliding gracefully.

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In view of a considerable number of teenage pregnancies and commencement of sexual activities at an average age of 15, the topic of contraception is extremely important in lower secondary school. This DVD offers a complete film as well as working materi- al that allows for a discussion of the topic according to the requirements of the respective type of school as well as to the socio-cultural circumstances. Apart from the film itself, which outlines the most important contraceptive methods, selected animations can be accessed via the menu. They illustrate complex content such as a woman’s cycle, structure and function of the male sexual organs and the effects of different contraceptives in terms understandable to pupils. The film is suitable for an entire series of lessons, with the teachers deciding themselves on the basis of the menu struc- ture what content is appropriate for a class.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Ecosystem Lake

Lakes are stagnant waters that look quite peaceful to us. But the quiet is deceptive: above and below the water surface, life is anything but peaceful. Phytoplankton and zooplankton are eaten by small predators such as polyps or hydrachnidiae. Toebiters, dragonfly and beetle larvae are food for the water scorpion. As every animal feeds on different prey and in turn is eaten by various predators, a food web is created. The amount and variety of the lake inhabitants depends on the concentration of nutrients. In clear lakes, aquatic plants may spread down to a depth of 10 metres. Different zones with particular plant species are clearly visible. Also animals above the water profit from the rich underwater life, for example the waterfowl. Ever since the lake was formed, wind and waves have been carrying dead plants and animals to the shore, where they have sunk down and decomposed. At the same speed at which the lakeside grows, the water surface of the lake shrinks. With its extensive additional material the didactic DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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Biotechnology I

Biotechnology is the application of science and technology to living organisms. Today, biotechnology plays an increasingly important role in everyday life. Very rarely, however, are we aware of it because you cannot tell the biotechnological origin of products of the medical, pharmaceutical and food industries by their look. For example, the enzymes needed for cheese production are formed by biotechnologically programmed mould fungi.

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Seltene Erden

Der technische Fortschritt versorgt die Menschheit zuverlässig mit innovativer Technologie. Dies hat die Nachfrage nach spezifischen Rohstoffen, etwa für Mikrochips, Rußpartikelfilter, und Dauermagneten sprunghaft steigen lassen. Metalle wie Lithium, Cer, Neodym und weitere gehören zu den sogenannten „Seltenen Erden“. Der Bedarf nach ihnen hat große geopolitische Auswirkungen, und hat zum Aufstieg Chinas, das den Großteil der Lagerstätten auf seinem Gebiet birgt, entscheidend beigetragen.

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