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Der Tod gehört zum Leben
Es gibt wohl kaum einen Aspekt unseres Lebens, der ähnlich eng mit ihm verknüpft ist, den wir aber dennoch gerne so weit wie möglich von uns weisen: den Tod.
Learn morePodcasting
Today, the use of new media has become a matter of course not only in everyday life – schools and teaching, too, benefit from the new technologies and methods, which support active and independent learning. Especially in computer science, ethics and language courses but also in all other subjects, modern media are a valuable pedagogic and didactic asset. This DVD uses the example of podcasts to demonstrate how the possibilities opened up by new media can be applied in the classroom and how the pupils can be taught to handle them in a competent and target-oriented manner. The film is aimed at supporting the use of podcasts at school and encourages making them. This also requires the ability to find information on the Internet and assess it. The film informs on the functionality of podcasts and technical background as well as on the teaching and learning possibilities offered by podcasts – ranging from specific contents to superordinate learning targets such as the advancement of creativity and team spirit. The DVD is a useful support for teachers applying new media and wishing to show their pupils how to handle Running Time: 20:29 ms them in a sensible way.
Learn moreReconciliation instead of Judgement
The Criminal Code says: »Whosoever physically assaults another person is punished.« But the Criminal Code also says: »If the offender in an effort to achieve reconciliation with the victim (Victim-Offender-Mediation) has made full restitution for his offence, the court may mitigate the sentence or, unless the sentence is imprisonment of more than one year, may order a discharge.« The Youth Courts Law says:»The public prosecutor shall dispense with prosecution«, that means he does not bring charges and the matter does not go to court when the youth is ready »to achieve a settlement with the aggrieved person.«
Learn moreConditioning
The theory of classical conditioning is one of several learning theories which explains how behaviours can result from stimulation without, however, taking into consideration the processes in the brain (black box).
Learn moreMetabolic Disorder Diabetes
Big break in the school yard of the Freiherr vom Stein school. The pupils are talking or playing. Amidst them is Felix, twelve years old. He is always with them. Now it is necessary for him to measure his blood sugar because he has diabetes. The blood sugar level is permanently elevated in this disease.
Learn moreAmphibians
More than 350 million years ago, the evolution of amphibians set in. Amphibians developed from fish – a first step towards life on land. Diverse reproduction strategies, manifold forms of appearance and a broad spectrum of sizes, ranging from the tiny Brazil litter frog to the giant salamander, constitute the special characteristics of the class of amphibians. The pupils learn about the different respiration techniques and the particularities of the amphibians’ circulatory system as well as about their defining characteristics and their repro- duction strategies. Moreover, the threat to amphibian species posed by environ- mental poisons and the climate change is also discussed. This DVD leads the pupils into the fascinating, unknown world of amphibians, which still remains to be fully researched.
Learn moreHormones
Hormones influence our lives. Just like our nervous system, they transmit information in our bodies. When our hormonal balance is disrupted, our behaviour changes and we may fall ill. But what are hormones? Why have they got such a big influence? Where are they produced? And how do they work? The film leads us inside the human body – into the world of hormones. We learn that there are various hormones, where these are produced and how they work. We get acquainted with people whose lives have been influenced by a hormone deficiency or a hormone excess.
Learn moreBlood
One moment of distraction and the damage is done: Tim has slipped and has scraped his knee. The wound begins to bleed. Back home, Tim is comforted by his mother and a plaster is put on the knee. Actually, this is not necessary any more because Tim’s body has already started to help itself by forming a scab on the wound. A skin injury makes it possible for germs and dirt to enter the body. To prevent this from happening our organism repels all foreign substances, beginning at the same time to close the wound. This is done with the help of blood clotting, which starts directly when blood gets into contact with the outside world for example.
Learn more500 Years of Reformation
On 31st October 1517, Martin Luther published his 95 Theses against the sale of indulgences.
Learn moreMagma
The face of our home planet is subjected to constant change. Mountains are created and eroded over time, oceans flood continental areas, glaciers assume gigantic proportions, modify landscapes and melt – all this happens mostly in very long geological periods of time. Far more spectacular and more comprehensible to humans in terms of time, however, are natural phenomena associated with magmatism, above all, when we encounter them in their most obvious manifestation, volcanism. These natural events that entail far-reaching changes on the surface of the earth, sometimes devastating destruction and high casualties, have impressed civilisations, inspired their imagination and often spread fear and terror from time immemorial. Let us look with wonder and awe at the following breath-taking pictures of volcanic eruptions. They spectacularly illustrate the huge, immeasurable forces hidden inside our earth. At the same time, these pictures make us aware how tiny and powerless we are ourselves.
Learn moreMajor EU Project
The Brenner Base Tunnel and the New Brenner Railway are a project of the Trans-European Networks – in short, TEN. The aim is to connect European countries optimally and to contribute to a more environmental-friendly and efficient organisation of traffic. The transportation of cargo is to be shifted to the railway and public passenger transportation is to become more attractive. The TEN Axis No. 1 runs from Berlin to Palermo.
Learn moreThe Making of a Law
Laws determine the lives and interrelationships of people and ensure that both rights and duties are distributed in a just way in society.
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