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All Is Number

“All is number“, this saying already applied in the 5th century B.C. when the brotherhood of the “Pythagoreans“ was founded. Natural, rational and irrational numbers have been an important concept since the creation of the Bible, throughout antiquity up to our modern times. The Fibonacci Numbers, for example, have not only found their use as a numerical pattern in mathematics, they have also been immortalised in art and painting. In this film different and amusing approaches to mathematical methods and processes are illustrated with vivid images, which facilitate pupils’ understanding. In many things that we handle every day fascinating numerical proportions are hidden. Squaring the rectangle and the circle play an important role thereby. Since Greek antiquity the Golden Ratio has been considered to be the epitome of aesthetics and harmony. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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Energy-saving Lamps

Energy-saving lamps are energy-efficient illuminants which will step by step replace energy-intensive illuminants. This replacement has been laid down in an EU framework directive. This directive has resulted in two laws, according to which, for example, conventional light bulbs are to be replaced by energy-efficient lamps such as compact fluorescent or halogen lamps.

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Sigmund Freud II

At the beginning of the year 1900, Freud lived in a scientific isolation that he himself referred to as a kind of “splendid isolation” that allowed his ideas to develop without interference. It was the time when the results of the research on psychoanalysis began to show consistency. In his private life, Freud took care of his family and friends. Finally, on 1st April 1902, he was appointed honorary professor after his application with the university had been rejected several times due to his Jewish origins. In 1905 Freud published “Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality”. The book caused a scandal. Psychoanalysis still met with objections, criticism and indifference. QUOTE FROM SIGMUND FREUD “Psychoanalysis as a science is not characterised by the matter it treats but by the technique it employs. It intends and does nothing but the disclosure of the unconscious of the psyche.”

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Dictatorships in the 20th Century III

Today, the Caribbean island state of Cuba is an independent republic. Cuba was first ruled by the Spanish and later by the USA before the island gained its independence under Fidel Castro in the 20th century. He grew up in privileged conditions but already while studying law he engaged in political activity. He fought against the corrupt dictator Batista, who was supported by the USA, and later against the USA itself, and during the “Cold War he is a loyal but dependent ally of the Soviet Union. In 1962, the world is on the brink of an atomic war. As a consequence of the break up of the USSR and the continued embargo by the USA, the island sinks into poverty. Castro remains in power although he encounters more and more resistance in his own country. In 2008, he abdicates due to illness. The didactic DVD “Dictatorships in the 20th Century III – Fidel Castro“ tells the story of the man whose life is inseparably linked to the history of the island of Cuba in the 20th century. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

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Alkali Metals

What do lithium batteries, table salt and firework rockets have in common?

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Ms. Köller is a director at a small carpentry, which she has inherited from her parents. As the boss of her firm Ms. Köller also takes care of the accounting.  

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Heinrich von Kleist

Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811) left posterity a work that is often inaccessible to easy access. Even the epoch assignment is not easy for him, who began publishing in the Weimar Classical period and committed suicide in the Romantic era. His work was far ahead of its time, it was outside of its time.

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Big Data

Original soundtrack young woman:

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Drogen und Komasaufen

Sich die Welt schön trinken, high sein und pfeifen auf den Alltag mit all seinem Stress, Druck und der Verantwortung – was kann schöner sein? Die eigenen Grenzen kennen – gar nicht so leicht als junger Mensch. Die Gefahren legaler und illegaler Drogen sind vielfältig, deren Wirkung gerade für Jugendliche jedoch oft zu verlockend. So auch für Dennis und seine Freunde. Der Film begleitet die Clique beim nächtlichen Feiern und beobachtet, wie der Gruppenzwang einen dazu drängt, mit den anderen mitzutrinken und die eigenen Grenzen aus den Augen zu verlieren.

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MedienLB Logo

MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Tod durch Deo-Schnüffeln

5.600 Tage war Burkhard Nachtigall glücklich. Dann veränderte sich alles. Fabian – sein einziges Kind – starb. Er erstickte kurz nach seinem 15. Geburtstag, weil er Deodorant inhalierte.

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Drunken Driving

“Of course I can still drive.“ A sentence that many young people have certainly heard and even said themselves after drinking alcohol at a party. In this film, four young drivers, supervised by the police, test the truth of this assertion on an ADAC training ground.

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The expression of a painting is meant to depict the artist’s inner world and bring it out. Nature is not simply portrayed as it presents itself to the viewer. Colours play a very important role here because they serve as a medium to express the innermost feelings in a picture. This effect has been achieved by the Expressionist artist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner in the painting “Staberhof Farm on Fehmarn“ of 1912.

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