4675531 / 5563679
25 Years of German Unity
What Has It Done for Us?
After four decades of separation in the course of the East-West conflict, the unity of Germany was constitutionally restored on October 3, 1990. The Peaceful Revolution in the GDR and the willingness of the victorious powers of the Second World War enabled reunification. Special merits were earned by the then Chancellor Helmut Kohl as well as by the Soviet head of government Mikhail Gorbachev. Their negotiations were complicated but remained friendly – although the dissolution of its ally GDR signified a considerable loss of power for the Soviet Union at the time.
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Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Madita is eleven and blind. She does not want to go to a special school but to a regular grammar school. She says she feels "normal" there. Jonathan is eight and has a walking disability. He likes going to the school where he lives. Here, his best friend sits next to him. Max Dimpflmeier, a teacher who is severely deaf, explains that school life is not easy. Quote Max Dimpflmeier: "You don't want to attract attention, you want to avoid saying that it is necessary for you that 70 people adjust to your situation." People on their way to inclusion.