Advent und Weihnachten
Für den Unterrichtempfohlen
In 10 interaktiven H5P-Modulen wird Wissen zu Religion, besonders zum Thema Advent und Weihnachten, vertieft und abgefragt.
Ein interaktiver Adventskalender bereichert diese Einheit.
Das Medium bietet H5P-Aufgaben an, die ohne zusätzliche Software verwendbar sind.
Durch interaktive Aufgabentypen wird das audiovisuelle und interaktive Lernen einfach.
Lernen macht jetzt Spaß!
Included Tasks
- I Die Adventszeit - Video und Interaktive Aufgaben
- II Der heilige Sankt Nikolaus - Interaktive Aufgaben
- III Die Weihnachtsgeschichte - Video und Interaktive Aufgaben
- IV Dreikönigstag - Interaktive Aufgaben
- V Weihnachten in Deutschland - Interaktive Aufgaben
- VI Weihnachtsbräuche in anderen Ländern - Lückentext
- VII Weihnachten und die fünf Weltreligionen - Interaktive Dialogkarten
- VIII Was gehört zu Weihnachten? - Interaktives Quiz
- IX Jeden Tag ein Türchen - Interaktive Adventskalender
- X Warten aufs Christkind - Finde die Bildpaare
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Catholic and Protestant Baptism
As an important ritual of the Christian faith, baptism is closely connected with the traditional stories of the prophet John the Baptist, who is said to have lived in Jesus’ lifetime. John baptised people in the River Jordan, located at the present-day border between Israel and Jordan in the Middle East. Baptism and water were symbols of people’s confession of past sins and return to the right track in life. One day, Jesus and some of his disciples are said to have come to John to have themselves baptised.
The Sacraments – they are the visible and audible signs of the invisible workings of God on man. Often they occur at transitions and significant life events such as birth, admission into the community of Christians, growing up. These are the Sacraments of Initiation. In addition, there are the Sacraments of States of Life. They are administered for the decision to enter upon a lifelong companionship or a lifelong service in the Church. And finally, there are the Sacraments of Healing. The word "sacrament" comes from Latin and means: holy sign or also way of salvation.