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Vorkommen, Lebensweise, Verwendung
Algen gehören zu den ältesten Lebensformen auf der Erde. Sie sind die älteste Lebensform, die Photosynthese betreibt und schufen damit eine Erdatmosphäre, in der sich das Leben entwickeln konnte. Der Film stellt diese Überlebenskünstler vor und zeigt, an welch unerwarteten Orten man Algen finden kann. Aufgrund der höchst effektiv betriebenen Photosynthese gehören Algen zu den am schnellsten wachsenden Pflanzen, was sie als Rohstoff und Nahrungsmittel der Zukunft interessant macht. In Verbindung mit dem umfangreichen Zusatzmaterial (klassische Arbeitsblkätter, Testfragen, interaktive Aufgaben, Glossar) lässt sich das Medium hervorragend im Unterricht verwenden.
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
The Daily Newspaper
Every day, there is a surge of news reaching us via different news channels. In spite of TV and Internet, the daily paper still is one of the most important main sources of news. But how is a newspaper created? The film shows the production of a paper in the course of one day. Starting with the editorial meeting in the morning, in which the topics and deadlines are determined, the film accompanies a journalist during her research work. You can see how a journalistic interview is conducted and what the photographer must consider when taking a press photo. Back in the editorial office, the editor’s work is illustrated, which includes the page layout and the writing of an online article in today’s time. Impressive pictures from the printing centre depict the process from the digital page to the finished newspaper. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, the DVD is perfectly suited for use at school
Internet Addiction
The film consists of two parts. The first part is the 15-minute short film “In the Net”. It describes the problem of excessive Internet use in a humorous way, in particular the risk of losing touch with reality when chatting. The second part illustrates with three real persons how Internet addiction can develop and the problems encountered by those who are afflicted. The authentic statements are commented by an experienced therapist. For many pupils, the issues addressed here are related to their everyday lives. What is a “sensible” use of the Internet, where does pathological addiction start? In contrast to addiction to alcohol, nicotine or drugs, the public seems to be largely ignorant of the problem of this addiction, which is not related to any substance abuse. The film provides material for discussion in the classroom (crossdisciplinary) and can be used as a basis for the formulation of prevention strategies.