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Almwirtschaft in den Bergen
Die Landwirtschaft ist die Quelle unserer Nahrung. Fleisch, Gemüse und Milch werden in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben produziert. Der Film stellt einen Bergbauernhof und die Besonderheiten landwirtschaftlicher Arbeit in den Alpen vor. Vom Almauftrieb im Sommer bis zum Almabtrieb im Herbst werden die Arbeiten in der Viehhaltung, die Pflege der Weiden, das Mähen, das Einbringen des Heus, das Melken und die Instandhaltung vorgestellt. Wie der Jahreslauf mit Traditionen verbunden ist, ist Thema eines abschließenden Kapitels. In Verbindung mit dem umfangreichen Zusatzmaterial (Arbeitsblätter, interaktive Aufgaben, Testfragen, Glossar) lässt sich die vorliegende DVD hervorragend im Unterricht einsetzen. Die interaktiven Aufgaben (H5P) sind ohne zusätzliche Software verwendbar.
Play trailer

Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Organic Farm
That is how we imagine an ideal farm. Free-range hens, cows are being driven from the pasture into the stable, a cat is straying across the yard, the dog is watching over everything... This farm of farmer Ponzaun, however, exists today only because he need not subsist on the profit he makes from selling the products grown on his farm. The main income on the Ponzaun farm derives from the guests who want to experience once again what life was like on a farm in former times. During their holiday on the farm the children and the grown-ups want to participate in the daily life that is determined by the care for and life together with the animals and nature.
Copyright is subject to constant change to keep up with technological advances. This film enables the viewer to grasp the basic principles of this extremely intricate matter. By way of introduction, the film defines what an author is, what kinds of works there are and how long a work is protected on principle. Then the fundamental rights of an author are cited and it is shown how these are exploited in our times. In the third chapter, the respective rights are illustrated by way of practice-oriented examples of books, photos, music and films. Here, of course, an emphasis is laid on the field of education, taking into account the latest case law within the EU and Austria in particular. A further chapter highlights the problems arising with the Internet and goes into the citation law and pirate copies. All in all, in this way the viewer is made familiar with the most important basic terms and their meanings. Comprehensive worksheets and additional accompanying material invite us to deepen our knowledge of the subject.
Mobile Learning II
Oh, what’s that? Original soundtrack Thissen: “As our children grow up in a media world and naturally handle the media, they should also be a topic in school.“ An older child says the point is that they don’t just load down apps but create things themselves that haven’t existed so far. Hi, I’m Jana. A propeller hat. I’ll put it on. Now I’m no longer a simple rhino, but a flying rhino. Original soundtrack Thissen: “It’s exactly the great flexibility of tablets that promotes very personalised and adapted learning.” Original soundtrack Welzel: “It’s fascinating to see how the children grow with their products and how they always want to improve them.” The Westminster Abbey is a church in London for the royal family. Original soundtrack Welzel: “And?“ They think it is ok.