Für den Unterrichtempfohlen
In 10 interaktiven H5P-Modulen wird Wissen zu Religion, besonders zum Thema Beten, vertieft und abgefragt.
Das Medium bietet H5P-Aufgaben an, die ohne zusätzliche Software verwendbar sind.
Durch interaktive Aufgabentypen wird das audiovisuelle und interaktive Lernen einfach.
Lernen macht jetzt Spaß!

Included Tasks
- I Religion; Glaube und Gebet - Interaktive Aufgaben
- II Bitten; Beten; Meditieren - Video und Interaktive Aufgaben
- III Beten im Judentum - Interaktive Aufgaben
- IV Beten im Christentum - Interaktive Aufgaben
- V Das Vaterunser - Bringe das Gebet in die richtige Reihenfolge
- VI Beten im Islam - Video und Interaktive Aufgaben
- VII Beten im Hinduismus - Video und Interaktive Aufgaben
- VIII Beten im Buddhismus - Video und Interaktive Aufgaben
- IX Beten - Interaktives Wissensquiz
- X Finde die Bildpaare - Welches Bild passt zu welcher Religion?
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Jewish Life
This is Noam. With his twin brothers Ron and Dan, his little sister Lia and, of course, his parents Esther and Alexis. Just a normal family. But there is one thing that distinguishes them from many other families – their faith. They are Jewish. This is the topic of this film. We will accompany Noam and his family for a year. It is a very special year for him because Noam will turn thirteen. He will then receive his bar mitzvah. This means that he will be an adult according to the Jewish belief. But one thing after another...
Women in the Church
Women and the Church. Pope Joan springs to mind: a powerful woman at the head of the Catholic Church – unthinkable. Therefore, material for a novel and its film adaptation. The fictional story may embody the wish for a female reign of the Church, in reality a Pope Joan never existed. Ludwig Maximilian University Munich: at the Roman-Catholic chair of Dogmatic and Ecumenical Theology the issue of women's rights is also a part of the curriculum. What role should women have in the churches? Meanwhile, students of Catholic theology criticize the discrepancy between ecclesiastical and secular points of view.