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4667256 / 5558717


Structure and Pollination

In impressive pictures several interesting biological topics are conveyed by this film: knowledge of the structure of blossoms, their variety of forms as well as significance and purpose of their colours and scents. Thus it becomes comprehensible why blossoms are so differently structured, how self pollination is avoided and which evolutionary achievement is behind the symbiotic interaction between blossoms and pollinators. Pollination is a “deal“: the plant offers the insects nectar in exchange for the transport of the pollen. Prerequisite for this is the mutual adaptation process of the blossom to the mouthparts of the insect and vice versa. That cheating goes on during this “business relationship” between plant and animal is illustrated with the example of flower mimesis. The perfect way in which blossoms succeed in attracting insects without offering them nectar in return is another highlight of this film. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is perfectly suited for use in the classroom.

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