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Daumen Auszeichnung

4664221 / 5553660


Radio, Telephone, Television

There is almost no other technical field in which such wide-reaching changes have taken place in recent years as in the field of communication. The film provides impressive evidence of the developments and advances of communication technology. The invention of radio technology, introducing a new era of the transmission of messages, is demonstrated as well as innovations in the field of radio broadcasting and eventually the propagandistic use of radio and television during the Third Reich. Efforts to transmit language are a topic of the film as well as the worldwide success of the telephone which led to the formation of telephone exchanges. The film concentrates just as much on a detailed presentation of the current situation as on a precise description of the bygone era. The advent of television developed by Becquerel, by Nipkow and Braun up to the transition from analog to digital TV broadcasting is made a subject of discussion. Earlier film footage adds to the authenticity and makes past aspects comprehensible. Together with the extensive accompanying material the DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

Play trailer
Daumen Auszeichnung
  • <> Languages : DE, EN, TR
  • <>Target Groups : Sek I, Sek II
  • <> Subject : Technology
  • <> Length : 19:16 min
  • View in learning platform
Daumen Auszeichnung