4669664 / 5560340
Symbol of Nature Protection
They are counted among the most elegant and distinctive domestic birds. Due to their size, cranes can hardly be overlooked. Their call can be heard for miles. And: You hear them more and more often. In the seventies, only 17 crane pairs were to be found west of the Elbe. East of it, there were at least some hundreds. Today the number of breeding pairs in Germany is almost 8.000 and rising! But what were the reasons for the disappearance of the cranes? And: Why have they increased their numbers again so successfully in the meantime?
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Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Youth Movement
Dancing until your feet hurt: Here, at the meeting on the Hoher Meissner near Kassel, 3,500 participants from Boy Scout associations, youth and Wandervogel groups from all over the German-speaking region have gathered. They want to celebrate, simply get to know each other and commemorate a historic anniversary.
It can happen to anyone – of any age, in any place, at any time. Sudden cardiac arrest may quickly prove fatal. Immediate action is called for! Just remember: Check Call Press Anyone can do it. You can't do anything wrong!