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Dictatorships in the 20th Century VI

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Dictatorships in the 20th Century VI

Francisco Franco

Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco y Bahamonde Salgado Pardo is born in El Ferrol (Galicia) on 4th December 1892. His father, the naval officer Nicolás Franco, is authoritarian and domineering, a bully and womaniser, who despises his delicate and taciturn son. His mother, Maria del Pilar, tries to hide her sorrow behind a religious bourgeois façade. Throughout his life, Franco will remain close to her. In 1907, 15-year-old Francisco Franco is admitted to the Military Academy of Toledo. In the three years at the Academy he proves to be an exemplary, hard-working and disciplined cadet. In 1910 he leaves the Academy with the rank of Second Lieutenant. For career reasons – he hopes for quick promotion – he expressly requests to be sent to Africa, where a bloody colonial war is raging. The Spaniards’ fight in Spanish Morocco is waged against the Rif tribesmen: rebellious Berber tribes in the Atlas Mountains.

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  • <> Languages : DE, EN, ES, TR
  • <>Target Groups : Sek I, Sek II
  • <> Subject : History
  • <> Length : 34:42 min
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