Erwachsenwerden im Glauben
Lerneinheit Religion 7/8
In 10 interaktiven Aufgaben wird Wissen rund um das Erwachsenwerden im Glauben vermittelt und abgefragt. Grundlage bilden Firmung, Konfirmation und die Bar Mizwa, doch gibt es auch Informationen dazu, welche Rituale es im Islam, Buddhismus und Hinduismus gibt.
Included Tasks
- Erwachsenwerden ... im Glauben
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Taufe - Eintritt in die Gemeinschaft
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Firmung
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Konfirmation
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Bar Mizwa / Bat Mizwa
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Gebete und Gebote
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Rechte und Pflichten
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... in den Weltreligionen
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben ... Wissensquiz
- Erwachsenwerden im Glauben - Glossar
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Christian Feasts
People like to celebrate – music, laughing, dancing, being sociable, giving and receiving presents. All this is part of a good celebration. Apart from private festivities such as birthdays or weddings, there are also constantly recurring feasts and holidays in the circle of the seasons. Some are celebrated only regionally, others nationwide or worldwide. It is often forgotten that originally they had a Christian background. Thanksgiving, a parish fair or church mass turned into a fun fair and eventually simply a public festival in many places. Ascension Day, Whitsun or Easter are mostly wonderful occasions for just relaxing and long weekend getaways. But to Christians they have yet another, deeper meaning. They can be used for contemplation, commemoration, for example of the life of Jesus Christ, and for common celebration with other believers in church services.
The Bible
It is big and small. Thick and thin. Old and new. Colourful and plain. It is available as a mobile app, in braille and as a storybook. It is the most widespread and most widely read book in the world. It has been translated into more than 3,000 languages. It is also called the Book of Books. Or simply – the Bible.