Essen und Trinken
In 10 interaktiven Aufgaben werden französische Vokabeln aus dem Bereich Essen und Trinken geübt.
Das Medium bietet H5P-Aufgaben an, die ohne zusätzliche Software verwendbar sind.
Durch interaktive Aufgabentypen wird das audiovisuelle und interaktive Lernen einfach.
Lernen macht jetzt Spaß!
Included Tasks
- 1. Vokabeln Französisch, Essen und Trinken - Lernkarten
- 2. Vokabeln Französisch, Essen und Trinken 2 - Lernkarten
- 3. Vokabeln Französisch, Essen und Trinken 3 - Lernkarten
- 4. Vokabeln Französisch, Essen und Trinken 4 - Lernkarten
- 5. Vokabeln Französisch, Essen und Trinken 5 - Lernkarten
- 6. Vokabeln Französisch, Im Restaurant - Multiple Choice
- 7. Vokabeln Französisch, Zuhause essen - wahr oder falsch
- 8. Vokabeln Französisch, Obst und Gemüse - Was passt zusammen?
- 9. Vokabeln Französisch, Obst - Bildkarten
- 10. Vokabeln Französisch, Gemüse - Bildkarten
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Copyright is subject to constant change to keep up with technological advances. This film enables the viewer to grasp the basic principles of this extremely intricate matter. By way of introduction, the film defines what an author is, what kinds of works there are and how long a work is protected on principle. Then the fundamental rights of an author are cited and it is shown how these are exploited in our times. In the third chapter, the respective rights are illustrated by way of practice-oriented examples of books, photos, music and films. Here, of course, an emphasis is laid on the field of education, taking into account the latest case law within the EU and Austria in particular. A further chapter highlights the problems arising with the Internet and goes into the citation law and pirate copies. All in all, in this way the viewer is made familiar with the most important basic terms and their meanings. Comprehensive worksheets and additional accompanying material invite us to deepen our knowledge of the subject.
Product Piracy
Counterfeiting takes place in almost all economic sectors – textiles, watches, car parts, machine parts, tools, accessories, software and medicines. Some counterfeits are easy to recognise, others are so well-executed that even experts have difficulty distinguishing between original and imitation. This DVD covers the development of a product from idea to manufacture. Once a product has become a trademark, product pirates appear on the scene.
Air Traffic
Being able to fly has been a dream of humanity from time immemorial. But it does not even date back a century that people actually started being able to travel through the air. Since the 1960s, the number of flight passengers has been constantly increasing. Thus, the airspace is no longer dominated by birds but by man-made flying objects.