4659112 / 5552218
Of all mammals existing today, the primates have the oldest phylogenetic tree. This film shows on the basis of extant species of the order of primates, which we humans also belong to, the phylogenetic tendencies in evolution from the treeshrew to prosimians, monkeys and apes to the genus homo. Special emphasis is laid on the visible outward characteristics of the skull and its sense organs, changes in the position of the spinal column as well as the development of extremities and their adaptation to various habitats. Changes in the anatomy of the skull, the development of the eye socket and also the shifting of the eyes from the sides to the front position, the dental structure and development of the jaw bones and the changing proportions of the mandible skeleton and the brain case are demonstrated on genuine skulls. The film analyses in detail the evolutionary tendencies of primates and convincingly answers the question on the origins of their development.
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