4677091 / 5564383
Financial Investment I
Interest, Savings Book and Shares
Money, money, money. The desire of humans to own more money is as old as money itself. Like in the land of milk and honey, people dream of increasing their wealth without working. Money, gold, shares, DAX, share price increases, losses, securities, investment, savings book, stock exchange, bonds, corporate bonds, silver, precious metals, foreign exchange. All these terms belong to the topic of financial investment. But let’s start with your childhood.
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
It can happen to anyone – of any age, in any place, at any time. Sudden cardiac arrest may quickly prove fatal. Immediate action is called for! Just remember: Check Call Press Anyone can do it. You can't do anything wrong!
Product Piracy
Counterfeiting takes place in almost all economic sectors – textiles, watches, car parts, machine parts, tools, accessories, software and medicines. Some counterfeits are easy to recognise, others are so well-executed that even experts have difficulty distinguishing between original and imitation. This DVD covers the development of a product from idea to manufacture. Once a product has become a trademark, product pirates appear on the scene.