4677118 / 5564407
Galileo Galilei
Researcher and Explorer
Galileo Galilei, ingenious inventor and researcher whose findings changed the whole world. He revolutionised astronomy and is considered the pioneer of modern sciences. He was the first to explore the surface of the moon and discovered the four moons of Jupiter, was a philosopher, astronomer, mathematician, physicist, engineer and talented writer. Born more than 450 years ago, he became a legend already in his lifetime following his condemnation by the Roman Inquisition. . But who was this man who was regarded as both a cool calculating head and a combative spirit?
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
It can happen to anyone – of any age, in any place, at any time. Sudden cardiac arrest may quickly prove fatal. Immediate action is called for! Just remember: Check Call Press Anyone can do it. You can't do anything wrong!
Computer Games
This film covers the topic of computer games in a variety of ways and from many different angles. Apart from the fascina- tion of computer games for users, the historical development as well as the production of computer games are described. The established genres are introduced, the guidelines of the German BPjM are explained. In light of recent public discussions, a neutral overview of the pros and cons of playing computer games is given, and different kinds of player behaviour are outlined. In this film, the pupils will recognise many aspects of their favourite pastime that encourage an independent, constructive use of this medium and reinforce their media competency. The film and teaching material are very closely related to the real-life situation.