46505325 / 55505939
Klimafreundliche Energiegewinnung
Energiegewinnung durch Geothermie macht die in der Erdkruste gespeicherte thermische Energie für den Menschen nutzbar. Da hierbei kein CO2 anfällt, ist dies eine klimafreundliche Methode der Energiegewinnung. Der Film stellt die Wirkungsweise von Geothermikraftwerken vor und diskutiert die Chancen und Risiken dieser Methode der Energieproduktion. Interaktive Aufgaben, Testfragen und Glossar wurden mit H5P erstellt und können ohne weitere Software verwendet werden.
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Ceramics are indispensable in our everyday lives. We eat from ceramic plates, drink from ceramic cups, use tiled ceramic bathrooms. But how is ceramic manufactured? The film reveals the secrets of this fascinating material! We get to know more about the beginnings of ceramic in the Old World of Egypt and Mesopotamia, about Greece, China and Rome. We gain interesting insights into the valuable earthenware and are also shown the exquisite further development of the "white gold". Today this versatile material is irreplaceable in industry, too. Whether in space or as an easily compatible substitute in medicine, ceramic is applied in many places.
Pupils Practise Inclusion
When people come together, no matter under what concomitant circumstances – ultimately, it is about how these people meet and how openly they interact with one another.
Copyright is subject to constant change to keep up with technological advances. This film enables the viewer to grasp the basic principles of this extremely intricate matter. By way of introduction, the film defines what an author is, what kinds of works there are and how long a work is protected on principle. Then the fundamental rights of an author are cited and it is shown how these are exploited in our times. In the third chapter, the respective rights are illustrated by way of practice-oriented examples of books, photos, music and films. Here, of course, an emphasis is laid on the field of education, taking into account the latest case law within the EU and Austria in particular. A further chapter highlights the problems arising with the Internet and goes into the citation law and pirate copies. All in all, in this way the viewer is made familiar with the most important basic terms and their meanings. Comprehensive worksheets and additional accompanying material invite us to deepen our knowledge of the subject.