Portugiesisch 5/6, Vol. 2
Picture stories Portuguese/German
Child-friendly short stories with high-quality illustrations in Portuguese and German. The medium contains 25 digital picture stories, including 75 modules and interactive tasks (H5P) in Portuguese and German (switchable). The pictures are individually provided with text and tell a short story. The language level is level 1 (less than 250 words/story). The picture/text pages can be used digitally or as printed picture card sets. A final task completes each module. All modules can and should also be used as reading training. They are therefore also ideal for substitution lessons, homework, station learning and DaF/DaZ. The H5P modules are structured page by page and can be used as a digital book format.
Included Tasks
- Pequenos Pintores - Die kleinen Maler (Level 1)
- As 7 cores do arco-íris - 7 Farben des Regenbogens (Level 1)
- Formigas trabalhadoras - Fleißige Ameisen (Level 1)
- Uma rua ou um zoológico? - Eine Straße oder ein Zoo? (Level 1)
- O Presente de Natal do Sam - Sams Weihnachtsgeschenk (Level 1)
- Minha irmã e eu - Meine Schwester und ich (Level 1)
- A mangueira - Der Mangobaum (Level 1)
- Histórias de ninar - Gute-Nacht-Geschichten (Level 1)
- A melhor coisa de todas - Die beste Sache aller Zeiten (Level 1)
- Meu irmão e Eu - Mein Bruder und ich (Level 1)
- O Rato Guloso - Die gierige Maus (Level 1)
- Rei gordo e cão magro - Dicker König, dünner Hund (Level 1)
- Eu quero aquele! - Das will ich haben! (Level 1)
- Bunty e Bubbly - Bunty und Bubbly (Level 1)
- A lua e o boné - Der Mond und die Mütze (Level 1)
- Bheema, o dorminhoco - Bheema, die Schlafmütze (Level 1)
- A Capa de Chuva Vermelha - Der rote Regenmantel (Level 1)
- Minha Casa - Mein Zuhause (Level 1)
- Perdidos e Achados - Verloren und gefunden (Level 1)
- Eu consigo desenhar coisas! - Ich kann Dinge herstellen! (Level 1)
- Eu não tenho medo! - Ich habe keine Angst! (Level 1)
- Abraços na cidade - Umarmungen in der Stadt (Level 1)
- Porque, oh, porque? - Warum, warum nur? (Level 1)
- Existe alguém como eu? - Gibt es jemanden, der so ist wie ich? (Level 1)
- Dim Dom - Ting Tong (Level 1)
- Pequenos Pintores - Arrastar as palavras
- Pequenos Pintores - Finde die Wörter
- As 7 cores do arco-íris - Arrastar as palavras
- As 7 cores do arco-íris - Finde die Wörter
- Formigas trabalhadoras - Arrastar as palavras
- Formigas trabalhadoras - Wortpuzzle
- Uma rua ou um zoológico? - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Uma rua ou um zoológico?
- O Presente de Natal do Sam - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - O Presente de Natal do Sam
- Minha irmã e eu - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Minha irmã e eu
- A mangueira - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - A mangueira
- Histórias de ninar - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Histórias de ninar
- A melhor coisa de todas - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - A melhor coisa de todas
- Meu irmão e Eu - Arrastar as palavras
- Meu irmão e Eu - Wortpuzzle
- O Rato Guloso - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - O Rato Guloso
- Rei gordo e cão magro - Arrastar as palavras
- Rei gordo e cão magro - Wortpuzzle
- Eu quero aquele! - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Eu quero aquele!
- Bunty e Bubbly - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Bunty e Bubbly
- A lua e o boné - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - A lua e o boné
- Bheema, o dorminhoco - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Bheema, o dorminhoco
- A capa de chuva vermelha - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - A capa de chuva vermelha
- Minha Casa - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Minha Casa
- Perdidos e Achados - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Perdidos e Achados
- Eu consigo desenhar coisas! - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Eu consigo desenhar coisas!
- Eu não tenho medo! - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Eu não tenho medo!
- Abraços na cidade - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Abraços na cidade
- Porque, oh, porque? - Arrastar as palavras
- Porque, oh, porque? - Wörterschlange
- Existe alguém como eu? - Arrastar as palavras
- Verbinde die Satzanfänge - Existe alguém como eu?
- Dim Dom - Arrastar as palavras
- Dim Dom - Wortpuzzle
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Portugiesisch 5/6, Vol. 1
The medium offers H5P tasks that can be used without additional software. The medium contains texts and interactive tasks on the subject of picture stories.
Today, the use of new media has become a matter of course not only in everyday life – schools and teaching, too, benefit from the new technologies and methods, which support active and independent learning. Especially in computer science, ethics and language courses but also in all other subjects, modern media are a valuable pedagogic and didactic asset. This DVD uses the example of podcasts to demonstrate how the possibilities opened up by new media can be applied in the classroom and how the pupils can be taught to handle them in a competent and target-oriented manner. The film is aimed at supporting the use of podcasts at school and encourages making them. This also requires the ability to find information on the Internet and assess it. The film informs on the functionality of podcasts and technical background as well as on the teaching and learning possibilities offered by podcasts – ranging from specific contents to superordinate learning targets such as the advancement of creativity and team spirit. The DVD is a useful support for teachers applying new media and wishing to show their pupils how to handle Running Time: 20:29 ms them in a sensible way.
Product Piracy
Counterfeiting takes place in almost all economic sectors – textiles, watches, car parts, machine parts, tools, accessories, software and medicines. Some counterfeits are easy to recognise, others are so well-executed that even experts have difficulty distinguishing between original and imitation. This DVD covers the development of a product from idea to manufacture. Once a product has become a trademark, product pirates appear on the scene.