Kohlenhydrate: zuckersüße Chemie
In 10 interaktiven H5P-Modulen wird Wissen zum Thema Kohlenhydrate vermittelt und anschließend abgefragt.
Das Medium bietet H5P-Aufgaben an, die ohne zusätzliche Software verwendbar sind.
Durch interaktive Aufgabentypen wird das audiovisuelle und interaktive Lernen einfach.
Lernen macht jetzt Spaß!
Included Tasks
- I Nahrungsgrundlage: Kohlenhydrate - Aufgaben mit Video
- II Energiekreislauf - interaktive Aufgabe
- III Zucker ist nicht gleich ZUCKER - interaktive Aufgabe
- IV Aufbau der Kohlenhydrate - Lückentext
- V Fehling-Probe - interaktives Video
- VI Einteilung der Kohlenhydrate - interaktive Aufgabe
- VII Einfachzucker: Monosaccharide - interaktive Aufgabe
- VIII Zweifachzucker: Disaccharide - interaktive Aufgabe
- IX Stärkenachweis - Video mit Aufgaben
- X Kohlenhydrate-Quiz - interaktive Aufgabe
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
The compounds of halogens are - with the exception of astatine - widespread, can be encountered in nature and are versatile substances. This fact is taken up on this DVD in order to teach the students the chemistry of the halogens by illustrating their special qualities and explaining the correlation of their structure with their chemical properties. In the first part, an overview of the element group of halogens lays emphasis on the common as well as on the distinguishing characteristics of fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. In a second part, the specific properties of bromine and iodine are presented. This topic is linked to the students‘ everyday experience on the one hand (bromine as a catalyst for reactolite sunglasses, iodine as an agent in medicine, etc.) on the one hand. As a rule, they are of a kind that can only be realized with difficulty, or high expenditure in the chemistry classroom. With the help of these experiments, students are introduced to the chemistry of the halogens in a way that enables them to draw conclusions on the basis of their observations.
Aluminium II
The metal aluminium is growing in importance because of its specific properties and manifold application possibilities. This DVD deals with the industrial production of aluminium as a raw material, its processing and the manufacturing of alloys for the finished product. Starting with the raw material aluminium oxide the functioning of an electrolytic cell is demonstrated and explained. Alumina, white and powdery, is melted with great expenditure of energy, and by means of electrolysis converted into aluminium with a degree of purity of 99.9%. As aluminium oxide would not melt before a temperature of over 2,000°C is reached, the mineral cryolite is used as a solvent. The various alloys change the properties of aluminium and are produced according to precise formulations. The alloy is cast into blocks and bars that serve as primary material for processing plants. The responsible handling of resources underscores the importance of recycling. Aluminium is resilient and versatile.