Lerneinheit Chemie 8 – Kalk
In unserem Arbeitsheft „Lerneinheit Chemie 8 – Kalk“ finden Sie 10 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben zum Thema Kalk.
Über die Beschreibung der Entstehung und Funktion von Kalk, geben die Aufgaben Hinweis auf seinen Einsatz in der Industrie oder auch im Alltag.
Unterschiedliche Aufgabentypen dienen der Wissensvermittlung, Wissensvertiefung und der Lernstandabfrage.
Die Aufgaben sind mit H5P erstellt und können ohne zusätzliche Software angewandt werden.
Lernen macht jetzt Spaß!
Included Tasks
- Kalk - Seine Funktionen
- Kalk - Von der Entstehung bis zur Verwitterung
- Kalk - Abbau und Gewinnung
- Kalk - Einsatz in der Industrie
- Kalk im Alltag
- Kalk - Finde die Bildpaare
- Kalk - Schulversuche
- Kalk - Suchsel
- Kalk - Kreuzworträtsel
- Kalk - Teste dein Wissen
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Acids and Bases
We can find acids and bases in every supermarket, some of them in our food, others in cleaning agents. In everyday products, acids and bases as well as acidic and alkaline reacting salts have extremely different functions. In food, acids are either present or added as flavouring agents such as citric acid, tartaric acid and acetic acid, as antioxidants such as ascorbic acid or generally as acidifiers, sequestrants (citric acid and tartaric acid) and preservatives (acetic acid).
Aluminium I
In the modern world, we encounter aluminium at every turn. This is due to the particular properties of the metal. Increasingly, aluminium is about to edge iron and steel out of engineering, as aluminium allows energy-saving lightweight construction of aircraft and vehicles of all kind. Aluminium is weather-resistant, does not rust and is therefore well suited as building material for house facades, window frames or simply for all parts that are exposed to wind and weather. At the same time, aluminium has a noble-looking surface recommending it as material for interior design.
Fuel Cell
A smartphone offers a lot of opportunities nowadays. The numerous apps and applications may enrich your daily life but cost a lot of electricity. It is particularly annoying when the device fails at the most inconvenient moments. Conventional rechargeable batteries are often empty after one day already, and the device needs to be plugged in. Besides many others, also this problem could be solved by using fuel cells – thus considerably increasing the duration of the smartphone.