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Mammals I
Vertebrates 5
When we talk about animals in everyday conversation, we mostly talk about mammals. Mammals live in water, on land and in the air. Countless species of the most diverse sizes and appearances populate our earth. A clear classification is not always possible because of their adaptation to their different habitats. DVD 1: Mammals 1 The first DVD begins with describing the characteristics of mammals, their reproduction and development as well as the regulation of their body temperature. The film illustrates features they have in common, but also looks into the huge differences within the class of mammals. DVD 2: Mammals 2 The second DVD first focuses on the different ways of searching for food and digesting it. Then differences in the brain and sense organs are outlined. The last part looks into the homology of mammals whose basic body structure is unvarying despite their adaptation to the most diverse habitats.
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Seal of approval
Quality seals such as the "Bio-Siegel", "Blauer Engel", "Stiftung Warentest" and up to 1,000 other seals represent characteristics such as sustainability, health or safety with regard to a product, a service or even a company.
Mobile Learning II
Oh, what’s that? Original soundtrack Thissen: “As our children grow up in a media world and naturally handle the media, they should also be a topic in school.“ An older child says the point is that they don’t just load down apps but create things themselves that haven’t existed so far. Hi, I’m Jana. A propeller hat. I’ll put it on. Now I’m no longer a simple rhino, but a flying rhino. Original soundtrack Thissen: “It’s exactly the great flexibility of tablets that promotes very personalised and adapted learning.” Original soundtrack Welzel: “It’s fascinating to see how the children grow with their products and how they always want to improve them.” The Westminster Abbey is a church in London for the royal family. Original soundtrack Welzel: “And?“ They think it is ok.